Remedial Action Scheme Reliability Subcommittee, RASRS WECC Operating Committee June 18-19, 2009 Gene Henneberg.


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Presentation transcript:

Remedial Action Scheme Reliability Subcommittee, RASRS WECC Operating Committee June 18-19, 2009 Gene Henneberg

April 2009 Scheme Reviews and Approval Status BPA PG&E PACI RAS Project. Coordination items between BPA and PG&E for PG&E’s scheme modifications (see below). Windy Flats. New wind generation shedding project added to the AC Intertie (COI) RAS. scheduled in service 12/09. Conditional approval given pending satisfactory resolution of three action items. Harvest Wind. New wind generation shedding project added to the AC Intertie (COI) RAS. Scheduled in service 12/09. Conditional approval given pending satisfactory resolution of three action items. Portland General Electric (PGE) AGC Suspend. Generation shedding as part of the Westside RAS during Beaver plant generator dropping contingencies. Business agreement between BPA and PGE not yet complete (6/16/09). BPA would have liked this project to be in service by 6/30/09, but mid-August seems to be the earliest possible date. Action item to complete business agreement can be approved at a projected web meeting to meet BPA’s schedule. Grand Coulee. Generator shedding, part of AC Intertie (COI) RAS. A separate action item identified at the November 2008 meeting was satisfactorily resolved. This scheme has now been approved as failure not credible. Jones Canyon. Generation shedding as part of the AC Intertie (COI) RAS. Five separate wind farms (400 MW existing and 200 MW new) will be shed In three steps of about 200 MW each. RASRS approved this scheme as failure not credible. Combine Hills II. New generation shedding scheme scheduled in service 10/09. Scheme mitigates thermal overload and voltage collapse issues near Walla Walla. RASRS consensus to treat this scheme as a normal, rather than local RAS (LAPS), due to multiple owners impacted. Conditional approval given subject to satisfactory resolution of three action items.

April 2009 Scheme Reviews and Approval Status Portland GE Beaver Generator Shedding (part of BPA Westside RAS). BPA and Portland GE described another requirement (suspend AGC) for this project, originally presented at the April 2007 meeting. RASRS placed scheme approval on hold pending completion of the business agreement between BPA and PGE (see above under BPA’s PGE AGC Suspend discussion). IPC Borah West / Midpoint – Summer Lake RAS. The RASRS reviewed the outstanding action items remaining from the November 2008 meeting. All of the action items were satisfactorily resolved. This scheme has now been approved as failure not credible. PacifiCorp Jim Bridger RAS C and D. Generator dropping. Conditional approval pending. Two action items were remaining from November 2008, one of which was satisfactorily resolved and the other is still pending. The scheme is expected to be available in “monitor” mode during June 2009. PG & E Pacific AC Intertie RAS Upgrade. The pending action items were satisfactorily resolved. These modifications and PG&E’s scheme have now been approved as failure not credible.

April 2009 Scheme Reviews and Approval Status SCE Santiago N-2 RAS. Scheme mitigates a post –transient voltage criteria violation following N-2 outage of SONGS-Santiago 1 and 2 lines. Mitigation trips load in the Santiago area. The RASRS conditionally approved this scheme subject to the submission of the final system operation procedure. South of Lugo Modified N-2. Scheme is expected to be needed only during periods when large amounts of generation in the LA basin are unavailable. Modifications will raise the system operating limit (SOL) from 5900 to 6400 MW on the South of Lugo path. Recent historical path flows (~3 years) have not exceeded 4600 MW. Expected in service date 6/1/09. Mitigation drops load at Chino, Padua, and Mira Loma substations. The RASRS conditionally approved this scheme subject to satisfactory resolution of three action items. Antelope. The RASRS reviewed the responses to four action items from the November 2008 meeting. The SCE responses were satisfactory. This scheme has now been approved as failure not credible. BC Hydro Revelstoke and G.M. Schrum Generator shedding RAS revisions – BC Hydro provided preliminary review of planned modifications of the Revelstoke scheme to add a 5th generator (total 2500 MW) and the G.M. Schrum scheme. Eight new 500 kV contingencies are being added to the logic, along with some improvements to redundancy and other upgrades. RASRS provided several suggestions for information that would be helpful. Request for full approval is anticipated at the November 2009 meeting following a full scheme presentation.

April 2009 Scheme Reviews and Approval Status NV Energy 8-Mile Creek RAS. This thermal overload scheme is required to maintain Path 16 south bound rating (from Idaho to Sierra). Relieves overload of lower voltage facilities operated in parallel with Path 16 following an outage of one Path 16 segment. The RASRS provided conditional approval pending satisfactory resolution of three action items. Hilltop RAS. RASRTF Previously reviewed this scheme in 2001. Present modifications simplify the scheme hardware and logic, along with a small downward adjustment to the arming level for south bound flows (from BPA to Sierra). The RASRS provided conditional approval pending satisfactory resolution of three action items. SRP Coronado RAS – RASRS provided a preliminary review of this scheme at the November 2008 meeting. This scheme was not ready for review at the April 2009 meeting, but it is anticipated that either a conference call or one-day meeting may be needed during August to meet the project in-service schedule.

The RASRS Charter The RASRS charter is modified from the previous Scope statement to conform with the new WECC format and included other updates. Some of the “tweaks”: Purpose/Responsibilities: limited the responsibilities of the subcommittee to its relationship with WECC and minimized discussion of NERC. Membership: RASRS needs a variety of expertise. A new member should already have some familiarity with RAS. Terms of at least four years are desirable. A quorum will be a majority of all members. Asking for Charter approval at this meeting.

WECC RAS Classifications The document proposed for OC approval in March was not approved. Two general concerns were identified: The review process did not provide adequate opportunity for members to comment on the document. The document as written seemed to impose different requirements on the owners than are in the NERC standards. Following further discussion at the April RASRS and the May OCSC meetings, the proposal to develop a RAS classification guideline has been submitted to WECC. The review process for Criteria will be used, which begins with solicitation of member input on scope, lead (standing) committee and general comments for the drafting team. This proposal will be posted, perhaps as early as next week.

NERC Standards Compliance PRC-012 – RAS Review Procedure Primary Requirements R1.1 – R1.9 Most requirements are addressed in the RAS review document: Information Required to Assess the Reliability of a RAS / Procedure to Submit a RAS for Assessment (latest revision 2005). RASRS began a review of this procedure at the April 2009 meeting. Additional relevant documents Remedial Action Scheme Design Guide, 2007 NERC Glossary of Terms Standard PRC-004-WECC-1

NERC Standards Compliance PRC-013 – RAS Data Base Basic data collection and organization is complete All schemes identified on the Major WECC RAS List are included Still some variability on level of scheme detail in the data base, but enough to meet the standard requirements. Right at 100 schemes (RAS, Local, Safety Net)

NERC Standards Compliance PRC-014 – Scheme Assessment Requirements R1, R2, R3.1 – R3.5 Most R1 and R2 items are addressed within the “Information Required . . .” review procedure document. R3 (5-year scheme reviews) needs some additional documentation, primarily from owners. RASRS and WECC are considering potential collection methods.

RAS Subcommittee Questions ?