Native American Dwellings A Virtual Field Trip Created by Mrs. Gillispie 3 rd grade
Let’s Go! Hundreds of years ago, America’s first people lived in a variety of dwellings. Dwellings were different depending on where the people lived. Let’s begin our trip by taking a look at a map that shows where the different tribes were located.
Wigwams Arched poles covered with bark and brush mats. Permanent and more solidly built form of a wickiup. Used by Algonquian, Great Lakes, Ojibway, Delaware, Powhatan, Massachuset and Cree tribes. Click on the picture to the left and watch a wigwam being built!
Longhouses Elongation of the wigwam. Wooden frame with bark sewn together for cover. Many families shared the longhouse. Used by Iroquois tribes such as Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and Tuscarora. Let’s click on the picture to the left and watch a video clip about the Longhouse.
Chickees Palmetto thatch over a bald cypress log frame. Open-sided for circulation. Used by South Eastern tribes such as the Seminoles.
TeePee Long wooden poles form the frame. Animal skins cover the frame. Usually have paintings. Lived in by Plains tribes such as Sauk & Fox, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Sioux, Blackfeet, Comanche and Pawnee.
Wickiup Arched wooden poles covered with brush and mat. Temporary form of wigwam. Used for a short time while hunting. Apache tribe used these types of dwellings.
Pueblo Apartment style Made of adobe, clay and dried vegetables. More rooms could be added on top when needed. Used by Zuni, Hopi and the Rio Grande Pueblo tribes. Click on the picture to the left to learn more about the pueblo!
Hogans Partially imbedded into the earth. Resemble grass huts with a more tunnel-like opening. The Navajo people favored the Hogans.
Bark/Grass Huts Wood poles covered with grass and/or bark mats. Used by California and Intermountain seed gatherers such as the Pomo.
Plank Large cedar logs were used for a rectangular frame. Hand split cedar formed the walls and roof. These dwellings were often located on beaches. Built by NW coastal tribes such as the Tlinget, Chicook and Makah.
Igloos Domed houses built of snow blocks. Tunnel entrances to trap heat inside. Inner walls were lined with seal skin. The Inuits of the Arctic region lived in igloos. Click on the black box to see an igloo being made!
Quiz What type of logs were used to build Plank houses? Which type of dwelling was partially imbedded into the earth? What type of dwelling would you build if you were an Apache out hunting? Which dwelling was apartment style and could be added on to?