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Native American Tribes

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1 Native American Tribes

2 Each region had different natural resources.
Each culture group used the natural resources in its region to meet its needs.

3 Native Americans used natural resources to meet their needs.
trees water stones buffalo Natural resources are things in nature that people can use.

4 Great Plaines Tribes Arapaho Indians Arikara Indians
Kainah Indians Mandan Indians Oglala Indians Osage Indians Oto Indians Piegan Indians Ponca Indians Quapaw Indians Sarsi Indians Siksika Indians Teton Indians Wichita Indians Yanktonai Indians Arapaho Indians Arikara Indians Assiniboine Indians Atsina Indians Brule Indians Cheyenne Indians Chipewyan Indians Cree Indians Crow Indians Dakota Indians Hidatsa Indians Sioux means “Little Snake” Refer themselves to Lakota/Dakota Social activities powow, rodeos, and races

5 Great Plains Indians Homes
Buffalo were a natural resource in the Plains region. The meat was used for food. The skins were used for shelters and clothing. The bones were used for tools.

6 Great Plains Indians Homes
Tepees: tent-like American Indian houses Grass Houses:beehive shape and thatched with long prairie grass (Caddos)

7 Southeast Tribes Cherokees Natchez Chickasaw Creeks

8 South East Indians Lived about 4000 years ago.
Each tribe had their own government and languages. The tribes believed in their own gods and goddesses to guide them through life.

9 South East Indians Wattle & Daub Houses: made by weaving rivercane, wood, and vines into a frame, then coating the frame with plaste (Cherokee) Chickees: Huts, stilt housesick posts supporting a thatched roof and a flat wooden platform raised several feet off the ground. They did not have any walls (Florida ) Earth Homes: in the ground

10 South East Indians Produced colorful art using their dyes.
Made their own baskets from natural materials. Used shells to make tools and hunting knives. Most known for their beautiful beadwork.

11 Northeast Indians Tribes
The group of Native American known as the Woodland Indians is made up of several tribes. These are some of the major tribes. Delaware Wampanoag Huron Narraganset Powhatan Iroquois Mohawk Oneida Onondaga Cayuga Seneca Tuscarora

12 Dyed quills decorated moccasins in red, blue and violet
Dyed quills decorated moccasins in red, blue and violet. These are Seneca quilled moccasins

13 This is a picture of the traditional dress of men in many of the Eastern Woodland tribes.
In the summer, the men wore a breechcloth, a short piece of buckskin that hung from the front to the back of the Indian. The women wore their grass dresses, and the children wore nothing at all

14 Food Corn, beans, and squash were the most important crops planted. They were know as “The Three Sisters” as they were also grown together.

15 North East Homes Wigwams-woven mats and sheets of birchbark (Algonquian) Longhouse: Longhouses could be 150 feet long, 20 feet wide, and 20 feet high (Iroquois)

16 Iroquois Confederacy Political alliance formed by five language related tribes in the Northeastern Woodlands Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca Alliance formed to ensure protection of tribal lands U.S. uses similar ideas when creating its own government


18 Southwest Hohokam, Anasazi, Hopi, Navaho
Harsher environment - dry desert Farmers - used irrigation to grow corn, beans, and squash - The Three Sisters Excellent builders - pueblos and cliff dwellings

19 Southwest Indians Adobe Houses:multi-story houses made of adobe (clay and straw baked into hard bricks Hopi, Pueblo, Adobe


21 Cliff Palace Mesa Verde

22 Kiva Underground ceremonial chambers

23 The Pacific Northwest


25 Pacific Northwest Kwakiutl, Nootka, Haida
Abundant environment - sea and forest Whale hunters Wealth leads to social classes Potlatch - giving away ceremony to show wealth

26 The carvings on each totem pole told about a family’s history.
The Northwest Coast region had many forests. The Native Americans in this region used wood from the forests to carve tall totem poles. The carvings on each totem pole told about a family’s history.

27 Indians from the Northwest Coast hunted sea animals in the Pacific Ocean.
There were many salmon in the rivers for them to eat. They also hunted animals in nearby forests.

28 North West Indians Plank Houses: Flat planks of cedar wood

29 Inuits (Eskimo): Lived in Tundra

30 Winter Seal Hunting

31 Inuit Fur Clothing Travel

32 Inuit Diet Primary Foods: Seal Caribou Whale Walrus Fish Birds All are high in protein and fat

33 Artic Homes Igloos: Blocks made of ice

34 California Encompasses the western states.
The Pomo, an Indian tribe, crafted beautiful baskets of all different sizes and for all different occasions. Lived in communities numbering up to 2,000 More than 100 languages flourished in California before European contact; most are gone today.

35 Great Basin From the Rockies to the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges. Largely consisting of desert. Water & food was hard to come by, too dry for farming- few animals to hunt. Gathered nuts and seeds. Tribes had to stay on the move, most natives had a routine route they traveled every year. Because they were always moving their dwellings were mostly temporary. California and Intermountain regions used shells as currency.

36 Plateau Eastern Oregon and Washington, southern Alberta and British Columbia, northern Idaho and western Montana. Hot summers and long cold winters. Pattern of life similar to Great Basin peoples but was enhanced by annual runs of salmon up the Columbia River. People lived in villages made of partly sunken circular dwellings in the cold months and camped in grass mat houses in the warm months

37 Work Cited

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