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Presentation transcript:

3rd quarter Assessment

The M can be either Mitosis or Meiosis The Cell Cycle 2 Main Phases Interphase and M phase The M can be either Mitosis or Meiosis Interphase ---G1, S, G2 M phase--- PMAT

DNA replication—Chromosomes Double During the S stage of Interphase Know the structure below:

Prophase: Nucleolus and Nuclear membrane disappear, centrioles and spindle fibers appear and Chromosomes are visible Metaphase –Sister chromatids (doubled chromosomes) line up down the MIDDLE of cell Anaphase---Sister chromatids (doubled chromosomes) are pulled apart Telophase---opposite of prophase Cytokinesis---cell divides---parent cell becomes 2 cells.

Mitosis Info: Creates: 2 Diploid cells AKA 2 Body cells AKA 2 Somatic Cells

Meiosis creates cells for sex reproduction Meiosis has 8 total phases Meiosis makes— 4 Haploid Cells AKA 4 Sex Cells AKA 4 Gametes Meiosis creates cells for sex reproduction Meiosis has 8 total phases Know what each phase of Meiosis I and II look like

Meiosis I

Meiosis II

DNA Replication Takes place in the Nucleus Copies chromosomes…an organism’s entire genome Enzymes: Helicase and DNA Polymerase Helicase causes Hydrogen bonds to break between the DNA strands New nucleotides are made during Step 2 of replication

4 Major Differences between DNA and RNA DNA ---2 strands RNA ---1 strand DNA—Sugar RNA---Sugar Deoxyribose Ribose Bases---Adenine, Thymine Bases—Adenine, Uracil Cytosine, Guanine Cytosine, Guanine

KNOW how to use the Table of mRNA codons and amino acids Protein Synthesis The two processes that make it up are Transcription and Translation It takes place in the Ribosomes The mRNA codons have the code for the amino acid strand KNOW how to use the Table of mRNA codons and amino acids

Genetics Gregor Mendel---Father of Gentics Used pea plants An allele is an alternate form of a gene Genotype—genetic make up---use letters Phenotype—physical outward appearance—use descriptive words Homozygous Genotype---2 same size letters Heterozygous Genotype---2 different letters

Representing other Genotypes---Use 1st letter of dominant trait and make it Capital Use the same letter and make it lower case All codominance and Incomplete Dominance crosses end in the 2 codominant traits creating BLENDED offspring Dihybrid Crosses—Hetero for both traits X Hetero for both traits 9:3:3:1 Ratio Sex chromosomes are XX-female XY—male

DNA Transcription Takes place in the NUCLEUS Process of making mRNA from DNA RNA POLYMERASE is the enzyme that unzips DNA by breaking hydrogen bonds… New RNA bases pair with the exposed DNA bases RNA POLYMERASE bonds a new sugar and phosphate to EACH base to help create a strand of mRNA

Translation Translation takes place in the ribosome to help build a protein. mRNA carries the code and tRNA translates it by bringing an amino acid to the ribosome. AT the end of the process, mRNA and tRNA release from each other What is left is a strand of AMINO ACIDS aka a PROTEIN