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SB2a How are DNA and RNA different? DNA is double stranded and RNA is single stranded. RNA has Uracil and DNA has thymine. DNA is only in the nucleus.

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Presentation on theme: "SB2a How are DNA and RNA different? DNA is double stranded and RNA is single stranded. RNA has Uracil and DNA has thymine. DNA is only in the nucleus."— Presentation transcript:


2 SB2a How are DNA and RNA different?

3 DNA is double stranded and RNA is single stranded. RNA has Uracil and DNA has thymine. DNA is only in the nucleus.

4 SB2a What is a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar, and a nitrogen base called when put together?


6 SB2a How do the bases in DNA pair?

7 Adenine <> Thymine Cytosine <> Guanine

8 SB2a Because of Chargoff’s rule there is equal numbers of bases for _______ and _______

9 Cytosine = Guanine Adenine = Thymine

10 SB2b Make a complementary RNA strand from the DNA below. CGA CGA TTA


12 SB2b Label the diagram to show how a protein is made


14 SB2b Where are proteins made?

15 Ribosomes

16 SB2b What is another name for each triplet code such as ACG?

17 mRNA codon

18 SB2b Write the complementary anticodons for the codons below. CGC-AUC-GGA


20 SB2b Where does transcription and translation take place?

21 Transcription = Nucleus Translation = Ribosomes

22 SB2b Name the two forms of RNA used during the making of proteins?

23 mRNA and tRNA (messenger RNA and transfer RNA)

24 SB2b How many times does DNA replication occur before cells reproduce?

25 ONE

26 SB2b Why does transcription occur?

27 Transcription takes place to make mRNA

28 SB2b What is translation?

29 Putting together amino acids to make proteins by using the three letter codons (looking them up on the table of bases [letters])

30 SB2c Cross a homozygous dominant with a homozygous recessive genotype.

31 Bb B B b b

32 SB2c Cross a heterozygous genotype with a homozygous dominant genotype.

33 BB Bb B B B b

34 SB2c Give an example of incomplete dominance

35 Plants that make red (RR), white (WW) and pink flowers (RW). The pink of a blending of traits.

36 SB2c Cross a heterozygous genotype with a homozygous dominant genotype.

37 BB Bb B B B b

38 SB2 c What is the type of cell reproduction that decreases the chromosome number to half (haploidy)?

39 Meiosis

40 SB2c Describe the sex chromosomes

41 male = XY female = XX The male determines the sex of a child because his sperm may carry an X or a Y chromosome.

42 SB2c When does segregation of alleles happen?

43 Meiosis

44 SB2c If a gene shows up the most and is expressed with a capital letter it is showing ________.

45 dominance

46 SB2c Describe a genotype that is heterozygous

47 It contains a capital letter for the dominant allele and a lowercase letter for a recessive allele Bb

48 SB2c Given an example of a phenotype

49 Color, shape, or stature

50 SB2a What is the monomer of DNA?

51 Nucleotide

52 SB2c Cross an individual with AB blood and another with O blood type


54 SB2c List the genotypes and phenotypes for the blood types


56 SB2c How can there be two different alleles in blood type AB?

57 Because of codominance

58 SB2c What can cause genetic variation during meiosis?

59 Crossing over to mix up the gene combinations

60 SB2c Traits do not affect the occurrence of other different traits. This is the basis for Mendel’s Law of __________________.

61 Independent assortment

62 SB2d When DNA is mutated, what is changed to alter the production of proteins?

63 The nitrogen bases (letters ATCG)

64 SB2d If you change one base in DNA what type of mutation will it be?

65 POINT Mutation

66 SB2d What causes a change in DNA (genetic information)?

67 Mutations

68 SB2e What is asexual reproduction?

69 Type of reproduction involving one parent cell that results in identical cells so there is no genetic variation. For example, taking a cutting from a plant to grow a new plant. These plants are clones and genetically identical.

70 SB1a Describe the type and quantity of cells produced from meiosis.

71 Type = haploid cells Quantity = 4 cells

72 SB1a Compare the number of chromosomes in gametes (haploid cells) and body (diploid)cells.

73 In humans for example: Diploid (body or somatic cells) = 46 Haploid (gametes or sex cells) = 23

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