MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN ETHIOPIA Briefing for the Millennium Task Force by Mr. Antonius Broek, UNDP Ethiopia New York, 19 January 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN ETHIOPIA Briefing for the Millennium Task Force by Mr. Antonius Broek, UNDP Ethiopia New York, 19 January 2004

PRSP/MDGs Nexus in Ethiopia The MDGs are adopted as the long-term vision for the three-year national poverty reduction strategy (SDPRP) ( ) The SDPRP is the Governments comprehensive policy framework and development assistance would be aligned with the SDPRP and the MDGs therein Principle of not duplicating structures: the SDPRP is the framework through which the MDGs would be implemented

Institutional Arrangements Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee and Technical Committee on PRSP / MDGs Focal and Coordinating Ministry: Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED), Economic Policy and Planning Dept. MDG Task Force, chaired by Ato Getachew Adem, MOFED and with members from UNDP, UNICEF, WB and WHO, (and UN MDGs focal points having preparatory meetings) –NB. Membership should ideally be expanded to include civil society, but the situation in Ethiopia might not be ripe for this. Look at alternatives like a consultative mechanism etc. At regional and woreda levels? Various relevant bureaus and particularly BOPEDs –NB: Possibly need to clarify to ensure implementation at local levels. Regionalisation of the PRSP is also recommended.

Reporting on the MDGs The MDGs are incorporated in the policy matrix for the SDPRP with annualized actions, targets and indicators (also used as common set of indicators for direct budget support) A holistic M&E system for the SDPRP/MDGs (aligned with the policy matrix) are under preparation by Central Statistical Authority and MOFED with coordinated donor support Reporting on the MDGs will be synchronized with the APR on the SDPRP, to ensure that the MDG status would inform any adjustments in the SDPRP The first Ethiopian MDGR contains sections on contextualization, baseline information and costing

Critical Policy Issues Ethiopia is scoring low on all the MDGs. Poverty is multi-dimensional and the MDGs are highly interlinked. There is an urgent need for work in all poverty areas. Should the Ethiopian Government still be encouraged to sequence and prioritize actions??? Food security and rural development is a stated Government priority as seen from P.M. Meles statement on the occasion of the launch of the HDR 2003

Sensitization and Advocacy Work Preparation of MDG Cards and Brochures in English and national languages (Amharic and Oromo) MDG Seminars for UNCT and UN staff members First MDG Action Forum in Africa, June 2002 with CEA-SURF MDGs campaign during The African Disabled Decade Sensitization for civil society Launch of the HDR 2003 – big event with the PM and all stakeholder groups MDGs in focus during the UN week 2003 Sensitisation for parliamentarians resulted in recommendation to include MDGs in daily work of the 12 standing committees Draft MDGR in conjunction with the APR for the SDPRP Etc. etc. etc.

Some Challenges Taking the sensitization and implementation beyond the federal level to the broadest constituency at regional and woreda levels Sustaining the broad based participation of civil society, private sector and development partners in the national development process Deepening the integration of MDGs in national programmes, plans and strategies at all federal, regional and local levels Strengthening the collaboration within the UN system on working towards the MDGs, particularly through the MDG based CCA scheduled for early 2004 and a revision of the UNDAF