Political Struggles in France Mr. McLaughlin. Congress of Vienna Places Louis XVIII on the throne Ultra royalist- conservatives aristocrats who wanted.


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Presentation transcript:

Political Struggles in France Mr. McLaughlin

Congress of Vienna Places Louis XVIII on the throne Ultra royalist- conservatives aristocrats who wanted the establish the old order ABSOLUTE RULE

Revolt in France Charles X becomes King after Louis XVIII He tries to pass an act to repay Aristocrats for lands lost in the French Revolution This is an unpopular act The legislative assembly becomes more liberal due to elections

The July Ordinances Charles issues in response to the legislative assembly The ordinances abolish freedom of the press Restricts voting rights

The Papers call for a Rebellion July 27 th, 1830—Angry Parisians storm the streets By July 29 th —”3 Glorious Days” Revolutionaries force Charles X to give up his rights as monarch and abdicate the throne He flees to Great Britain

Louis Philippe Cousin of Charles accepts the throne Becomes known as the Citizen-King He dressed and acted like a middle-class person He supported the wealthy People began to demand political reforms –Especially in voting rights

Citizen-King Louis Philippe refused People appealed to the Prime Minister Francois Guizot (Gee-Zoh)

Revolt of 1848 In 1848 a political banquet was held Guizot tries to cancel it—too late Louis Philippe calls in the troops The troops sympathized w/the rebels and join them Louis Philippe fearing—abdicates and flees to Great Britain

The Second Empire France is now claiming to be a Republic Now want a President Extend Voting Rights to all males Only briefly do the French enjoy the freedoms of the 1848 Revolt

The Rise of Louis Napoleon

Presidential Elections of 1848 Louis Napoleon is the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte Won overwhelmingly Presented himself as a reformer but really wants to establish himself as Emperor Gained the confidence of the Army, Church, middle class and peasants

Support of Catholics created an uproar in Paris Louis Napoleon uses this to show that the Republic doesn’t work National Assembly restricted people due to the violence in Paris Louis Napoleon uses this to his advantage Revoked voting Rts. Of 1/3 rd of the people

Coup d’etat Dec. 2, 1851 Louis Napoleon quickly seizes power He dissolves the National Assembly Arrest 70 of his opponents He reestablishes voting Rts. For all French men (This makes him popular) He calls for a plebiscite (National Vote)

This gives him the right to create a new Constitution 2 nd Plebiscite vote on the constitution 95% in favor of the new constitution that turns France from a Republic to a Heritary Empire Louis Napoleon becomes Napoleon III of France

Results He does have successful economic programs Built new railroads and roads Restricted press and civil liberties

The Crimean War

France and Britain vs Russia

Fighting over the Ottoman Empire Over who would protect Christians visiting the Holy sites in the Ottoman Empire Ottoman’s pick the French Czar Nicholas I upset—tries to extend Russian territories by expanding on the Ottoman’s land in the Balkans

The Balkans

France/G. Britain want to protect their trading resources in the Ottoman Empire— Middle East Ottoman’s declare war on Russia in 1854 France, G.B. and Sardinia (small Italian kingdom) Most fighting takes place on the Crimean Peninsula (just into the Black Sea from the Southern Ukraine)

Winter Hits Armies battled: cold, violent storms, cholera, frostbite and other diseases Diseases caused more deaths than actual fighting 1855 British troops capture Sebastopol (port town) Russia is forced to make peace 1856 Crimean War Ends

Crimean Peninsula

End of an Empire Napoleon III declares war on Prussia (July 19, 1870) He fears their growing power Known as the Franco-Prussian War French defeated in just over 6 weeks Prussia wins at Sedan and take Napoleon III as a prisoner (Sept. 2)

The Empire collapses (Why?) Prussia occupies France for 4 months before a truce is signed.

Peace with Prussia French elected a new National Assembly Surrendered the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine Pay 5 billion francs (1billion U.S. dollars) Prussia staged a victory march through Paris---humiliating to the French

The New National Assembly Reinstated the rents of Parisian (suspended due to Prussian occupation) Stop paying the National Guard—Many Parisians are in This leads to Civil Unrest

The Commune of Paris During the revolt the workers established a Socialist Government known as The Commune of Paris Refuse to recognize the National Assembly Called for France to become a decentralized federation of independent cities Declared war on propertied owning class and church

Introduced a new 10 hour workday National Assembly fought back with the army—in Paris The commune burned public buildings

Bloody Week May 1871 During the week, the military arrested over 40,000 people More than 20,000 killed The Commune falls

The Third Republic 1875—New Constitution makes France a Republic again Provides for a 2 house legislature The 2 houses elect a president Every official act needed the support of both houses Cabinet of Ministers were responsible for gov’t policy

A new post is made Premier He was to handle all the executive business

Threats to the Republic General Georges Boulanger (Boo-lahn- ZHAY) Hero-wanted France to seek revenge against Prussia Elections held in 1888 – prevailing attitude: Royalist support him and oppose the Republic

He is urged (1889) to overthrow the Republic—Coup de’tat Gov’t tries to arrest him for treason He flees to Belgium The movement collapses w/o its leader

Panama Canal 1890’s France is trying to build the canal The project fails—thousands of French stockholders lost money Scandals of dishonesty and poor management practices Gov’t officials are implicated---bribes are given

Results of the failure of the Canal Elections of 1893 Nearly 50 socialists won seats in the national convention Socialism is growing in France

The Dreyfus Affair Alfred Dreyfus—Jewish military officer was arrested and charged with selling military secrets to the Germans Convicted and sentenced to life on Devil’s Island Prison colony off the coast of South America Many supporters and family maintained his innocence

1897– evidence pointed to the fact that the evidence was forged Supporters demanded a retrial Gov’t refused This Affair becomes a national issue and divided France Socialist on Dreyfus side

1906—Civil Court pardoned Dreyfus Reinstated him to the French army THE REPUBLIC SURVIVES THESE 3 THREATS 1905-France separates Church and State