Tha aon nì coitcheann sa h-uile cuspair air an duilleig seo. Bha iad uile aig aon àm nam faileasan ann am mac- meanmainn daoine, ach an uair sin tro obair.


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Presentation transcript:

Tha aon nì coitcheann sa h-uile cuspair air an duilleig seo. Bha iad uile aig aon àm nam faileasan ann am mac- meanmainn daoine, ach an uair sin tro obair chruaidh, diongmhaltas agus rùn làidir chinne-daonna a bhith cruthachail, tha iad air an tionndadh gu fìorachd. All of the items on this page have one thing in common. They all were once just figments of people’s imagination,but then through hard work, determination, and mankind’s overwhelming desire to create, have been turned into reality Gach nì a bhios sinn a’ cleachdadh nar beatha làitheil bhon spàin as sìmplidhe gun choimpiutair as àirde teicneòlais, tha iad uile air an dealbh agus air an togail le cuideigin ann an àiteigin, a rinn sgrùdadh air conaltradh Grafaigeach ann an dòigh air choreigin, agus air Ceàird agus Dealbhadh, air dealbhadh toraidh agus sgilean practaigeach. Everything that we use in our every day lives. From the simplest spoon, to the most high-tec computer have all been designed, and built by somebody, somewhere, who in one form or another studied Graphic communication, Craft and Design, product design and practical skills. After the idea there’s plenty of time to learn the technology James Dyson Àrd-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu

Mar a bhios le toraidhean uile, tha e anabarrach cudromach gu bheil an gnè aig an ìre as fheàrr. Tha a bhith a’ planadh gu cùramach, a’ rannsachadh thoraidhean agus a’ cur àrd-sgilean choimpiutaireachd agus ghrafaigeach an lùib a chèile, a’ cuideachadh le bhith a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an gnè aig an ìre as àirde. As with all products, ensuring the best quality is vitally important. Carefully planning, and researching, products, and combining excellent graphic and computer skills helps to ensure the best of quality. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein client designer user group Tha sgoilearan a’ faighinn a’ chothroim obrachadh mar neach- dealbhaidh, mar neach-ceannaich agus mar neach-cleachdaidh tro dhiofar phròiseactan agus fòiliothan obrach. Pupils get to experience being a designer, the client and the user group through a variety of projects and work folios S1 S2 S3/4 STD Grade Craft and Design S5/ Higher product design S5 Int2 Practical Skills S3/4 STD Grade Graphic Comm S5 Higher Graphic Comm Na bhios sinn a’ dèanamh ! Ceàird agus Dealbhadh

Tha pròiseactan ann an ÀS1 a’ tòiseachadh ri bun-bheachd dealbhaidh a chur fa chomhair nan sgoilearan againn. Tha seo ga choileanadh le bhith a’ toirt cead do sgoilearan innealan sìmplidh a dhealbh a dh’fhaodas iad a chleachdadh aig an taigh. Bidh iad ag ullachadh fòiliothan anns am bi obair rannsachaidh agus fiosrachadh dealbhaidh a bheir cothrom dhaibh feabhas a thoirt air beachdan dealbhaidh a th’ aca mar-thà. Tha na dealbhaidhean sin gan dèanamh an uair sin ann an diofar stuthan leithid meatailt, fiodh agus plastaig. Projects in s1 start to introduce our pupils to the concept of design. This is carried out by allowing pupils to design simple artefacts that they can use at home. They produce folios that contain research, and design information that allows them to improve existing design ideas. These designs are then made in various materials including metal, wood, and plastic. Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing. Albert Einstein

Mar a bha le sgoilearan sa chiad bhliadhna, tha na sgoilearan san dàrna bliadhna ag ullachadh measgachadh de mhodailean a’ cleachdadh na tha againn de stuthan ri làimh. Tha dealbhadh na phàirt chudromach den ghiullachd, agus tha gach modail cho diofraichte ri gach aon de na sgoilearan fhèin. As with first years. The second year pupils produce a variety of models using all of the materials at our disposal. Design is also an important part of the process, and each model is as individual as the pupils themselves. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labours of others. Albert Einstein

Mar a bhiodhte a’ dùileachadh tha na pròiseactan a’ fàs beagan nas motha agus nas mionaidiche san treas agus sa cheathramh bliadhna. Tha am foirmle a’ fuireach mar a bha e ge-tà. Thuige seo, tha na sgoilearan air fiosrachadh agus tuigse fhaotainn de dh’fheallsanachd dealbhaidh, stuthan agus modhan togail / ceangail agus thathar gam brosnachadh gus an cur gu deagh fheum. As you would expect the projects become a little larger, and more detailed in third and fourth year. The formulae however stays the same. The pupils by now have a developed knowledge and understanding of design philosophies, materials and construction/ joining methods and are encouraged to put them to good use.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein client designer user group S1 S2 S3/4 STD Grade Craft and Design S5/ Higher product design S5 Int2 Practical Skills S3/4 STD Grade Graphic Comm S5 Higher Graphic Comm Na bhios sinn a’ dèanamh ! Graphic communication Tha cànan mar mheadhan math air beachdan a chur tarsainn. Tha cuingealachaidhean cudromach air cànan ge-tà. Is e aon de na prìomh chuingealachaidhean sin an conaltradh fìor agus soilleir a gheibhear bho dàta teicnigeach. Ann an cuid de chùisean cha ghabh seo fhaotainn ach tro mhodhan eile. Is e grafaig aon de na prìomh innealan conaltraidh a tha ràthan mòra de ghnìomhachais a’ cleachdadh. Tha na duilleagan a leanas a’ toirt seachad dealbh de na diofar aogaisean co-cheangailte ri grafaig a bhios innleadairean, luchd- dealbhaidh, luchd-tarraing agus ailtirean a’ cleachdadh. Language is a great way of communicating ideas. It does however have important limitations. One of the main limitations is the accurate clear communication of technical data. In some cases this can only be achieved through other means. One of the main communication tools used by large swathes of industry is graphics. The following pages give an insight into the various facets of graphics that engineers, designers, draughtsmen, and architects use

Computer software : C.AG DISPLAY 3D MODELS

Is e liubhairt aon dòigh a bhios luchd-dealbhaidh agus ailtirean a’ cleachdadh gus doimhneachd agus fìorachd a thoirt do na beachdan aca. Tha seo ga dhèanamh san fharsaingeachd gus am faic luchd-dèiligidh aig nach eil eòlas sam bith no beagan eòlais air obair tarraing, mar bu chòir an toradh a bhith. Rendering is a technique used by designers, and architects to give depth and reality to their ideas. This is generally done so that clients with little or no real drawing experience can see what the end product should look like.

Faodaidh diofar chruthan a bhith orra bho dhealbhan teicnigeach gu sgeidsichean grinne. Tha iad air an liubhairt aig amannan gus ìomhaigh 3-D a chruthachadh don luchd-dèiligidh. These can take various forms from formal technical drawings to neat sketches. They are occasionally rendered to create a 3D image for the clients.

Orthographic Views : AutoCAD computer software Tha dealbhan sgrìobhte nas foirmeile. Tha iad mar a’ phrìomh dhòigh conaltraidh a thathar a’ cleachdadh air feadh a’ ghnìomhachais. Tha iad a’ dol tarsainn cnap-starra a’ chànain mar shiostam cruinneil de shamhlaidhean agus de shoighnichean a chleachdar gus beachdan a lìbhrigeadh. ‘S e cànan cruinneil cumhachdach agus èifeachdach a th’ ann. Orthographic drawings are more formal drawings. They form the main communication method used throughout industry. They cross the language barrier as a world wide system of symbols and signs are used to communicate ideas. It is in effect a very powerful universal language.

Agus dè a-nis ? Tha na nithean sin uile air an dealbh le daoine aig an robh lèirsinn, mac- meanmainn, diongmhaltas agus fiosrachadh teicnigeach. All of these items have been designed by people with vision, imagination, determination, and technical know how. Question ? Would you like to be one of these people? All your dreams come true, if you have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney

Tha àrd-theisteanasan aig na daoine sin. Rinn iad uile teicneòlas san sgoil. Bha iad uile soirbheachail. B’ e boireannaich a bh’ annta uile. Chan eil cuspairean teicnigeach tuilleadh toirmisgte do bhoireannaich. ‘S e luachan seann-fhasanta agus beachdan a-mach à àm na cnapan-starra a th’ ann an-diugh. Tha mòran dhùthchannan ùra gu mòr an eisimeil bhoireannach a tha nan innleadairean gus a bhith beò ann an saoghal ùr nua-aimsireil. All of these people are highly qualified. All did techy at school. All are successful. All are women. Technical subjects are no longer no go areas for women, the only barriers are old fashioned values, and dated ideas. Many modern countries rely heavily on women engineers to survive in a modern world. Graphic Design Industrial Design CAD Civil Engineering Interior Design Printing Architectural Studies Product Design Packaging Media and Photographic Advertising Art Foundation

Tha e a’ toirt misneachd It takes courage. Ma tha, tha teicneòlas dhutsa Then technical is for you? And it takes guile. Tha e a’ toirt diongmhaltas It takes determination. It takes vision. A bheil thu deiseil airson an dùbhlain? Are ready for a challenge? Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein Technical department