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Reasons for Studying Art

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1 Reasons for Studying Art

2 Visual Art Year 11 two internal standards 10 credits
external folio credits Year 12 two internal standards 8 credits external folio credits Year 13 Students choice of subject theme . Choice of research standards 8 credits Or work for external folio 14 credits

3 Year 11 folio panel

4 Year 11 Folio panel

5 Year 12 folio


7 Year 12 Painting

8 Reasons: Architecture Communication Design, Digital such as Architecture, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Illustration, Product design, Interior Design, Animation, Game Design, Film, Digital design, Fashion design, Spatial Design, Textile Design .

9 Architecture A design is simply a plan. Before constructing a building, an architect needs to draw a plan of the building. Sometimes architects will make a cardboard or plastic model of the building. The building is then built by a construction company which follows the directions of the plans for the building.

10 Architecture

11 Architecture

12 Architecture

13 Architecture

14 Animation liaising with clients and developing animation from their concepts; creating storyboards that depict the script and narrative; drawing in 2D to create sketches, artwork or illustrations; designing models, backgrounds, sets, characters, objects and the animation environment; using a range of materials, including modelling clay, plaster, oil paints, watercolours and acrylics; developing the timing and pace of the movements of a character or object during the sequence of images and ensuring they follow the soundtrack and audio requirement

15 Animation

16 Animation

17 Animation

18 Illustration Illustrator
Meets with clients and interprets their requirements Produces illustrative ideas through creative thinking and collaboration Uses creative-based software to create illustrations and graphics

19 Illustration

20 Illustration

21 Creative advertising Creative teams work in advertising agencies to dream up and execute advertising campaigns for the companies that hire the advertising agencies. Some large companies have in-house advertising departments, so have their own creative teams. These individuals primarily coordinate and create the ad copy and the artwork for various media, including television, radio, Internet, magazine and newspaper ads. They also develop direct-mail campaigns, which usually consist of sales letters, brochures and order forms. A creative team includes employees with various job titles. The job descriptions of these employees vary but they all have the same objectives.

22 Creative advertising

23 Creative advertising

24 Creative advertising

25 Fashion Design creating/visualising an idea and producing a design by hand or using computer-aided design (CAD); keeping up to date with emerging fashion trends as well as general trends relating to fabrics, colours and shapes; planning and developing ranges; working with others in the design team, such as buyers and forecasters, to develop products to meet a brief; liaising closely with sales, buying and production teams on an ongoing basis to ensure the item suits the customer, market and price points; understanding design from a technical perspective, i.e. producing patterns, toiles and technical specifications for designs; sourcing, selecting and buying fabrics, trims, fastenings and embellishments;

26 Fashion design

27 Fashion Design

28 Graphic Design Graphic designer
Meets with clients and interprets their requirements Produces ideas through creative thinking and collaboration Uses creative-based software to design publications and collateral

29 Graphic Design

30 Photography Photographer
Takes photos to meet the requirements of clients Edits photos Develops a portfolio to show expertise and build a good reputation

31 Photography

32 Artist Artist Researches and implements creative ideas
Produces art work for exhibitions and commissions in specialist medium Liaises with art galleries and clients

33 Artist

34 Artist

35 Artist

36 Artist

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