Basically, the United gym's membership is an access to a multitude of fitness equipment as well as personal trainers, a variety of cardio, dance and endurance group classes and a karate school. Right amount of space Over 60 thousand square feet Plenty of free parking. A hairdresser, a tanning room, a healthy snack bar, a beauty salon and a daycare open till 9 o'clock during the week.
The use is kind of the same as every other gym: keep healthy and in shape. Trainers are well-trained for every kind of training. To lose weight or gain muscles To achieve personal goals A place to socialize
1 month for $60 3 months for $99 - Promotion 1 year for $345
Per day: $7 3 month: $90 1 year: $290
Full-size indoor swimming pool Tennis court Spinning studio Soccer field Gymnasium fully equipped with cardiovascular and weight room An indoor golf driving range International squash courts A full range of instructional Group exercise, and aquatics programs to choose from.
Badminton Kin-ball Taekwondo Boxing Workout Dance Many cardiovascular and muscular machines Personal Training program Certified private trainers Pool Gymnasium Inside soccer Soccer field Basketball Baseball diamond Outdoor ice rink Volley-ball
The reason why it stands out of the others is first its space between their fitness equipments and then, most of all, their group classes variety. -SPINNING- LATINO DANCE -K-BO- ACCENT SOUPLESSE -STEP- PILATES -CARDIO-INTERVAL- PILATES (mini-ball) -ABDOS FESSIERS- YOGALATES -MIEUX-ETRE-GROUP PRIVATETRAINING -BOOT CAMP- EXTREME LEAN TOTAL BODY -RUMBA- KARATE KICKBOXING -SALSA AEROBIE - MILITARY KICKBOXING
For all ages Healthy Big amount of space Well-located Good variety BUY