Academic Choice Project: Write a letter to the author and explain why this book interests or appeals to you. Tell the author at least three reasons the.


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Presentation transcript:

Academic Choice Project: Write a letter to the author and explain why this book interests or appeals to you. Tell the author at least three reasons the book is appealing or interesting to students.

Academic Choice Project: Write out the title of the book and for EACH letter write a complete sentence or two that BEST describes some aspect of your book. THIS SHOULD NOT BE A “ONE WORD” ACROSTIC!

Academic Choice Project: Draw a map of the book’s major setting. Include a written explanation of at least three locations on your map and why the setting was important to the story.

Academic Choice Project: Choose your favorite character from the novel. With this character, choose 5 adjectives and explain how EACH adjective applies or relates to your favorite character. Remember: adjectives are describing words; they help us paint a picture in our mind of what something looks like. For example, Gloria is a shy girl—shy is describing what type of girl Gloria is. After each adjective, you must write at least three explanatory sentence and give specific examples from the book.

Academic Choice Project: Create a piece of art that relates to one (or more) of the book’s themes, characters, events, symbols, or settings. In one paragraphs (minimum), compare, describe, and discuss the connections you made with your piece of art and the novel.