Moving to the Common Core Janet Rummel Assessment Specialist Indiana Department of Education
Know your state’s transition plan Know where to find available resources Analyze local curriculum Align instructional resources Identify teacher professional development needs Timeline Transition plan District School Classroom
State Assessments Standards Analysis State standards vs. CCSS Provided at the state level? Potential misuse of “crosswalk” documents Assessment Consortia PARCC – Partnership for Assessment of College and Career Readiness SBAC – SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium
Which CCSS concepts and skills are included in your state’s standards? How strong is the match? Which concepts and skills are missing? Which of the CCSS occur before our grade level? Which of the CCSS occur after our grade level? How are the Mathematical Practices incorporated? How do we engage other subject are teachers in the literacy standards?
When will we conduct a crosswalk of our district curriculum (e.g. curriculum maps, scope and sequence) based on state standards with the CCSS? How will we conduct such crosswalks? Who will be involved in the process? What will we do when there are differenced between the district curriculum and CCSS? What is our plan for ensuring concepts and skills that appear in a different grade in CCSS will be taught effectively between now and ?
How will we determine what curriculum materials are needed at each grade level to implement CCSS? If some of those materials are already in the district, how will we ensure they are in the proper place for implementing CCSS? How and when will we acquire needed curriculum materials that are not already in the district? What is our plan for identifying and analyzing the quality of instructional materials that reflect the changes in the CCSS?
Which CCSS concepts and skills are primary targets for instruction? Secondary targets for instruction? How strong is the alignment? Can alignment be strengthened through improvement in cognitive demand or greater focus for student performance? What supplemental materials are needed? Teacher instructional strategies Rubrics Student directions/expectations Sample student performances
How will we determine if our current district assessments measure student knowledge and skills as listed in CCSS? How and when will we make modifications to our district assessments, if needed? How will we ensure that students continue to be prepared for state assessments? How will we prepare students for common state assessments aligned to CCSS (by or )?
How will we determine what professional development teachers will need related to content and pedagogy for implementing CCSS? How will we plan time for professional development within the district during the school year? Who will deliver the professional development? What other professional development options exist?
Which stakeholders will be involved in the implementation of the transition plan, and what are their specific roles and responsibilities? Which district leaders have been identified as responsible for ensuring the transition plan is implemented with fidelity? How will we inform parents about the transition to CCSS?
Does student performance demonstrate expectations identified in the targeted CCSS? What similarities and differences are there in student performances within grades? Across grades? Is there evidence of the intended progression? What teaching strategies and approaches to instruction appeared to be effective? What improvements are needed?
What are Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? Why are CCSS a good idea for students in ________? What expectations for implementation of CCSS have been decided? (When?) What resources are available to help guide educators through the process of implementing CCSS? How are CCSS going to impact the student learning that occurs in each classroom?
Note: Printing these materials/resources is recommended. Where are my state standards located? What resources are available to compare the standards that I teach to CCSS? Where can I find CCSS? In what different formats are CCSS published?
How do I read CCSS? What does the formatting really mean? How are the CCSS designed? What terminology is found in CCSS that is new to me? What are the major shifts in ELA and Mathematics with CCSS? What work has been done to help educators see how the current state frameworks compare to CCSS?
Which CCSS concepts and skills are included in our state standards? How strong is the match between CCSS and our state standards? Which CCSS concepts and skills are missing? Which state standards are missing? Which CCSS occur before your grade level? Which CCSS occur after your grade level?
How does my curriculum address text complexity? Does my curriculum use a three-part model for measuring text complexity? How do my current expectations for text complexity align to the suggested Lexile ranges at each grade band (from Appendix A)? How does my students’ writing compare to the writing samples in Appendix C?
How are the mathematical practices incorporated into the intent of the CCSS? Consider any of the content standards from the CCSS and determine how you might develop mathematical fluency related to the selected standard. Create a continuum of content that indicates what you might do to introduce, build, and master a content standard in your classroom. Will you need to modify your lessons and units to better reflect true learning progressions and mathematical fluency?
How will the adoption of the new CCSS impact your work? What supports will you need to help students learn the knowledge and skills in the standards? How do your curriculum and instructional materials align with CCSS? Do they have: rigor, coherence, focus, best practices, text complexity and/or balanced pedagogy? How do your assessments (formative, end-of-course, intermittent/interim/targeted) align with the learning expectations outlined in CCSS?
Will you need to develop new instructional lessons or units? Can you change what you have to fit the demands of CCSS? How? How do we engage other subject area teachers in the literacy standards? What research-based teaching strategies or instructional strategies appear to be useful when thinking about how to teach students the deep intent of the CCSS? Does your curriculum reflect the intended progressions for student learning?