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Clare-Gladwin RESD Fall 2013 Alignment for Career and College Readiness.

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Presentation on theme: "Clare-Gladwin RESD Fall 2013 Alignment for Career and College Readiness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clare-Gladwin RESD Fall 2013 Alignment for Career and College Readiness

2 Recursive/Parallel Nature of Implementation

3 CGRESD Focus 2013 – 2014 High Impact Areas For CCR K – 12 Aligned Implementation of… 1.Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum (intended – delivered – learned) 2. Authentic, K-12 Literacy across Content 3. Effective Lessons/Instruction for All

4 Impact of Career and College Readiness

5 Impact of Career and C0llege Readiness

6 Impact of Career and College Readiness

7 Learning Progressions for Career and College Readiness

8 Assessment Technology, Inc.  WestEd LAPDS  Vail Unified School District Raising Student Achievement Step One : Make sure the standard is taught Determine the essentials to be taught at each grade level. Develop an instructional calendar. Share the calendar with staff and parents. Schedule collaboration time for planning and time to structure classes for remediation and enrichment activities.

9 Assessment Technology, Inc.  WestEd LAPDS  Vail Unified School District Standards Based Instruction Essential standards and high priority areas for all grade levels in reading and math are aligned K-12. Proficiency levels are established for each standard that are common across grade levels. Common standards-based assessments are implemented to evaluate student progress toward proficiency. A scope and sequence calendar for each subject and grade level is created. to ensure alignment to critical focus areas.

10 Standards-based Instruction means… Instruction that looks and feels different. Integration of Common Core State Standards for English language arts and mathematics across ALL content areas. Evidence of the use of data to inform instruction and intervention/acceleration for students as they make improvement on the learning progression scales (this includes differentiation to support student progression and maintenance). Absence of mini-benchmarking and/or assessments.

11 Assessment Technology, Inc.  WestEd LAPDS  Vail Unified School District Instruction for All Students means… Core, School-wide strategies - Effective Instructional Practices Differentiated Instruction to scaffold grade level standards for all students including the most at risk sub groups (special education, English Learners, and ED) Accelerated interventions to move all students up at least one performance level during the year.

12 Assessment Technology, Inc.  WestEd LAPDS  Vail Unified School District Raising Student Achievement Step Two: Make sure students have learned the standard. Once the standard has been introduced and developed, and mastery is expected, administer the short-term assessments frequently. Teacher made common assessments are given to students once instruction is completed to determine student mastery on a given performance objective. Benchmarks District assessments administered every nine weeks to measure mastery. Formatives

13 Assessment Technology, Inc.  WestEd LAPDS  Vail Unified School District Your Assessment System: Three Levels of Monitoring NCLB (ESSA) State Assessments District Benchmark or Interim Assessments to verify that all students have the Opportunity To Learn and can demonstrate Proficient Performance on the standards tested on the State Assessment. Classroom Formative Assessments integrated in Standards-Based Lessons for monitoring progress.

14 What Should Progress Monitoring Look Like with CCSS? Focuses on: The whole rather than individual parts. “Chunking” rather than isolated benchmarks. Student mastery of the target on learning progression scale for ALL students. Aligning resources, remediation and/or acceleration for students. (What interventions and or supports are in place for students?) A continuum of learning that provides opportunities to refine and enhance student understanding. (How do we get all students to the highest levels possible?) 14

15 Assessment Technology, Inc.  WestEd LAPDS  Vail Unified School District Raising Student Achievement Step Three: Make sure you support those students who did not master the standard. Re-teach everyday for 30 minutes, during the school day. Rotate staff members between re-teach and enrichment. Before or after school intensive tutoring or other options offered.

16 Assessment Technology, Inc.  WestEd LAPDS  Vail Unified School District Raising Student Achievement Step Four: Make sure you enrich those students who did mastered the essential standards. Enrichment provided everyday for 30 minutes. Rotate staff members between re-teach and enrichment. Enrichment activities are designed to accelerate learning for higher thinking skills or activities on the mastered essential standards.

17 Assessment Technology, Inc.  WestEd LAPDS  Vail Unified School District Raising Student Achievement Step Five: Make sure students don’t forget what they learned. Build non- negotiable review time into the instructional calendar. Administer the maintenance materials on a consistent basis. Develop and provide materials to maintain prior learning.

18 Assessment Technology, Inc.  WestEd LAPDS  Vail Unified School District Focus on Essential Standards Essential Standards Instruction Benchmark/Interim Assessments Raising Expectations FormativesData Analysis Opportunity to Learn

19 Rules of Engagement Have Changed 1.The Common Core Standards define a framework for engagement with the curriculum that, in many cases, you already teach. 2.The VERBS within the Common Core Standards define Higher Order Thinking skills students will need to apply as they explore content in new ways. 3.The Common core Standards define College and Career readiness skills to support student success across curriculum, content, and context.

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