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NAESP Webinar: Common Core State Standards April 23, 2012 Kenny L. Jones, Principal - Parkside Elementary School NAESP Zone 7 Director and Lucille E. Davy,

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Presentation on theme: "NAESP Webinar: Common Core State Standards April 23, 2012 Kenny L. Jones, Principal - Parkside Elementary School NAESP Zone 7 Director and Lucille E. Davy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NAESP Webinar: Common Core State Standards April 23, 2012 Kenny L. Jones, Principal - Parkside Elementary School NAESP Zone 7 Director and Lucille E. Davy, Senior Advisor to the James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy

2 Background and History A Nation at Risk – 1983 Standards movement - began almost 20 years ago Standards are statements of the skills young people are expected to learn No Child Left Behind - states required to adopt standards and administer assessments

3 Why Common Standards? Changing demands of entry-level workers Too many students leaving high school unprepared for the demands of college and the workforce Opportunity for better instructional materials, assessments, and professional development Student mobility High expectations for all students


5 Voluntary, state led effort Conversations among governors and state education chiefs began in 2005 NGA and CCSSO took the lead with states Open, collaborative effort Multiple drafts and input Validation committee

6 Development Process K-12, Higher Education, Business community, researchers, experts, parents Built on the best of state work, research and evidence; other high performing countries Fewer, clearer and higher – tied to college and workforce readiness

7 Standards Development Process

8 Intentional Design Limitations How teachers should teach All that can or should be taught The nature of advanced work beyond the core The interventions needed for students well below grade level The standards do NOT define:

9 English Language Arts Highlights Text complexity Balance between literature and informational/non-fiction texts Writing to inform/persuade Speaking and listening Media and technology integrated Secondary level literacy standards in content areas

10 Mathematics Highlights Focus and coherence Balance between fluency and understanding Careful progressions Emphasis on problem solving and real world applications Skills “floor” – not the ceiling

11 © Achieve August 2010 One of the most important steps during the transition will be getting educators familiar with the new standards via intensive professional development. As soon as preliminary versions of the newly designed assessments are available, it will be critical to build opportunities for educators to become familiar with the new assessment designs and instruments and to delve into the necessary changes for curriculum and instruction.

12 Wyoming CCSS Crosswalk The purpose of this document is to help teachers who are working with current Wyoming standards understand how the Common Core standards will differ. The document is designed to give the teacher, at a glance, a sense of what new content the student will need to master in the near future. It also provides a sense of what new content the student will be mastering in previous grades.

13 Wyoming CCSS Gap Analysis Comparison of the Wyoming English Language Arts Standards to the Common Core State Standards, Grades K–8. McCrel placed state standards next to CCSS and provided an alignment rating with comments.

14 Parkside Gap Analysis and Crosswalk Review What will the CCSS mean for the students you teach? How will these standards impact you as a teacher? How do you feel PCSD #1 should transition to these standards over the next couple of years?

15 Parkside Elementary Transition Plan to CCSS Curriculum and Instruction When and how we will crosswalk our district curriculum (e.g. curriculum maps, pacing guides, scope & sequence) with CCSS? What will we do when we encounter differences between our district curriculum and CCSS? How will we ensure that concepts and skills that appear in a different grade in CCSS from where they appear in PAWS will be taught effectively between now and when we first take our state assessment that is aligned to CCSS?

16 Parkside Elementary Transition Plan to CCSS Assessments How will we determine if our current district assessments measure student knowledge and skills at the same DOK as the CCSS? How and when will we make modifications to our district assessments if necessary? How will we ensure that students continue to be prepared for the “old” PAWS during this transition period? How will we prepare our students for common core state assessments aligned to CCSS?

17 Parkside Elementary Transition Plan to CCSS Professional Development How will we determine what professional development our teachers need related to content and pedagogy? How and when will we deliver professional development for our teachers related to content? How and when will we deliver professional development to our teachers related to pedagogy? How and when will we deliver professional development to our teachers related to assessment?

18 Resources

19 Questions? Contact information:

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