Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Using the Web for Teaching and Learning Chapter 8 Teaching and Learning with Technology.


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Presentation transcript:

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Using the Web for Teaching and Learning Chapter 8 Teaching and Learning with Technology

 Allyn and Bacon 2002 Understanding Web Sites A web site is A series of related web pages Pages are connected by means of hyperlinks Activating a link by clicking jumps the user to the connected web page Links can also jump to other web sites Moving between pages is called navigating a web site

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Understanding the Web Web pages are written in a formatting language called HTML Web browsers are programs that translates HTML into the text and graphics on a web page Files written in HTML are stored in web folders on a web server Browsers let users browse through these files

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Understanding the Web Every web server has a specific address called a URL URLs are preceded by which stands for hypertext transfer protocol designates that the method of interacting (protocol) will be via hypertext transfer Many browsers automatically insert so users do not need to type it

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Evaluating Web Sites Web sites should be evaluated before using them in the classroom Web sites should Be well designed and logical to follow Have appropriate authority and expertise Be free of bias Not be selling a product or viewpoint

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Multimedia on the Web Graphics Visual images and pictures enhance the educational value of a Web site Different graphic formats may impact how easily a site is used GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) images may be still or animated artwork JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) images are typically used for photographs

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Multimedia on the Web Audio Sound clips can add dimension to a Web page Formats vary in download time and playback WAV and AU files may need to be downloaded before being played resulting in delays Streaming audio plays files as they are downloading but may require an additional (free) streaming audio player

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Multimedia on the Web Video Video clips can add moving images to a Web page Streaming video allows for viewing as the clip is downloaded Due to bandwidth problems, images may be somewhat choppy

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Search Engines Search Engines are programs that help users find information on the Web Web site creators register their URL along with key words that describe their site and a brief description of their site Search engines maintain a data base of URLS, key words, and descriptions When users type in key words to find, search engines return URLs that match

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Search Engines Some search engines use bots, automated programs, to generate their databases When using search engines it is important to use exact key words to avoid extraneous hits Boolean operators such as AND, OR, and NOT can help to refine searches and avoid undesired hits

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Portals Some sites that started as search engine sites have grown into portals Portals offer a variety of services including , conferences, and chats Portals are also “doorways” to other Web sites Unlike ISPs, portals do not provided connections to the Internet

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Educational Web Resources On Line Publications Many magazines, newspapers, and journals are now available via the Web Articles can be saved or printed in HTML or PDF formats HTML formats require a web browser to view or print them PDF files need Acrobat reader to view or print them

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Educational Web Resources Professional Organizations On Line Most major organizations have a Web presence Resources from organization Web sites include news, articles, links, calendars, and conferences Subscribing to organizational listservs can keep busy educators current on key issues

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Educational Web Resources Governmental Sites On Line Local, state, and Federal web sites offer valuable resources Governmental resources can be freely used since they are “owned” by taxpayers The US Department of Education offers or sponsors comprehensive services to educators including ERIC

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Educational Web Resources Education Portals Portals dedicated to teaching and learning offer targeted resources for educators, students, and parents Links Most educational Web resources provide links to related sites Book marking these links gives quick access to favorite sites

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Educational Web Resources Classroom Management Tools Some sites include downloadable or on line tools for teachers Such tools include Puzzle Makers Test Generators Diagnostic Tests (learning styles, etc) Electronic Grade Books

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Educational Web Resources Academic Tools and Resources Other sites include downloadable or on line academic tools and/or resources These include Lesson Plans Worksheet Generators Reference Tools Encyclopedias Teaching Ideas and Exchanges

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Web Enhanced Instruction Enhancing Communication Teachers can enhance classroom communications via a class Web site FAQs on a Web site can answer common student and parent questions Conferences and let people interact at times convenient and in a manner comfortable to them Chats allow for documentable conversations

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Web Enhanced Instruction Linking Students to the World Global learning communities can be established for cross cultural sharing Key pals establish personal contacts and communications Projects can be developed internationally that engage students in research and communication

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Web Enhanced Instruction Building Bridges to Parents and Community Class web sites share what is happening in a classroom with parents, other schools, and the community Posting current homework and class events keeps parents informed Involving the community and posting joint projects creates and supports partnerships

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Designing Class Web Sites Storyboarding A storyboard is a text and picture representation of the sequence of pages on a web site Storyboards may be done on index cards by hand or with software tools such as Inspiration Storyboards let you think through the entire site and the relationships and links between pages

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Designing Class Web Sites Site Consistency A class Web site should be consistent in “look and feel” from page to page Colors should not only be visually appealing they should be consistent in terms of use from page to page Buttons should be consistently placed for easy navigation

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Designing Class Web Sites Medium vs. Message Don’t let the versatility of Web page design overwhelm the message being communicated Limit colors and font styles Add only those animations and graphics that enhance the message Maintain balance and leave white space

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Designing Class Web Sites Stay Bias Free Information presented should be based on facts Opinions should be clearly identified as such Pages should be reviewed for gender, cultural, and ethnic bias Stay Current All materials should be dated to maintain currency

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Designing Class Web Sites Include a Site Map or Search Engine Site maps show a snapshot view of all pages included in the site Site maps help visitors quickly find desired pages Offer search engine software to search your site for desired information

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Designing Class Web Sites Using Multimedia Add audio and video for interest and to enhance content Be sure to include links to any players visitors might need to use the multimedia components you include Current Links Offer links to you favorite tools, links, and other educational resources

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Designing Class Web Sites Provide Contact Information Visitors may wish to contact you by or mail Include a hot link to your address as well as your school’s postal mail address Provide Copyright Information Let visitors understand whether you allow them to use elements of your pages and under what conditions

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Designing Class Web Sites Access for Disabled Visitors Include a design and links to software that facilitates the use of your Web site by visitors with disabilities Site Content Keep content focused on your Web sites goals Be sure to include key elements such as teacher name, school, class information, etc

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Designing Class Web Sites Authoring Made Easy Web authoring systems let teachers create HTML files without knowing the language Many popular applications let you save files created by the application in HTML Some application include Web Wizards to facilitate layout and linking of web page files Free authoring software may be provided by your ISP or Web host

Teaching and Learning with Technology  Allyn and Bacon 2002 Designing Class Web Sites Uploading your Classroom Web Site You may be able to add your site to your school or district Web server Or you may select to use a Web host, a site that provides Web site space to educators Be sure to review hosts for Policies regarding placing adds on your site Amount of web space available To upload, you will need to use an FTP program