Stay & Play Morning: Using Numbers. 26 th January 9.30- 11.30am. Following on from the success of the Stay & Play Morning with Jonathan’s Jungle Roadshow.


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Presentation transcript:

Stay & Play Morning: Using Numbers. 26 th January am. Following on from the success of the Stay & Play Morning with Jonathan’s Jungle Roadshow we will be having more in Our next Stay & Play Morning will be on Saturday 26 th January from 9.30 – and will focus on Numbers. Do come along to find out how the children are developing their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and describing shapes, spaces, and measures. If you are planning to come along please complete the interest form (just so we can gauge numbers). Also, if you are available to help at any of these events please indicate. Future dates for Stay & Play Mornings include: 9 th March – World Book Day theme 18 th May – Forest School theme 6 th July – Let’s get creative theme Thank you! We hope you enjoyed all the Christmas events – we certainly did! Thank you to everyone who helped at the nativity and Xmas party – it was very much appreciated! Ladies Cocktail Night! Thursday 7 th February, The Fleece Ooooh, a night out for the girls with cocktails and deli boards – sounds good! The Fleece have kindly agreed to let us use their private dining room and provide us with a professional cocktail barman. The price of a ticket is £12.50 and this will include two cocktails and a selection of The Fleece’s Deli Board style snacks. If you would like to come (feel free to bring along friends, Mums, Aunties, etc!) please fill in the form overleaf and return to Nursery with full payment by Friday 25 th January. Happy New Year Everyone! We hope you all had wonderful Christmases and enjoyed the break is going to be another great year for all us Farmhouse Families with lots to look forward to and enjoy as our little ones grow and develop within the fab Nursery setting! Don’t forget to our Facebook page (Farmhouse Family Noticeboard) – we update it regularly with events and news items to help keep you in the loop with nursery life! Friends of the Farmhouse January 2013 Newsletter

Rag Bag We will be organising a collection of unwanted textiles in the Spring Term (date to follow shortly). Over the next few weeks bags will be sent home for you to fill, in the meantime, if you are having a clear out please save any unwanted items for The Farmhouse! Rag Bag pay us by weight of the bags collected so please save everything you can for us. They will accept the following items: All men’s, ladies and children’s clothing Paired shoes (tied together) Handbags, bags, ties and belts Soft toys Blankets Underwear Household textiles, e.g. Towels, tea towels, bed linen. The Giving Machine Doing some online shopping? Why not register with and help raise funds for the Farmhouse at the same time?!? The Giving Machine is a not for profit company whose sole aim is to raise free cash donations for schools & charities. Every year, your favourite shops pay £millions in sales commissions to websites that drive shoppers to them. By shopping via The Giving Machine you ensure that any commission paid is donated to The Farmhouse! There are 100’s of major retailers participating, including Amazon, M&S, NEXT, and John Lewis. You can even do your weekly online shop with Sainsburys and earn commission for the Farmhouse! There are even exclusive online discounts for shoppers! Want to join in??? Many hands make light work! We are always looking for new people to become involved in The Friends. We meet once a month on the 3 rd Wednesday of the month at the Nursery. There is no formal commitment – so you don’t have to come to all meetings and be involved in all activities! But, any help and support you can give is really valuable and makes a real difference to the nursery. If you are interested in joining in or have any ideas you’d like to share contact: or come along to our next meeting. Meeting dates for this term: 16 th January 20 th February 20 th March 17 th April All start at 8pm at the Nursery. Hope to see you there!

Ladies Cocktail Night – Thursday 7 th February, The Fleece Please complete this form and return to nursery, with full payment for tickets, no later than Friday 25 th January. Count me in for Cocktails! Name: Number of tickets required:  Tickets cost £12.50 each. Please indicate total payment included with this form: Please make any cheques payable to ‘Friends of the Farmhouse’ Stay & Play Morning – Numbers! Please hand this form back by Friday 18 th January if you would like to come along to the Stay & Play Morning on 26 th January. Child’s name: Other siblings attending (names): Could you help? Please let us know if you are free to help at any of the Stay & Play Mornings– it’s much appreciated! Serving refreshments, setting up and clearing away. Arrive 9.00, Finish midday. I can help! (name): On26 th January  9 th March  18 th May  6 th July  Contact phone No: