UNIT 2 KINDNESS By: Mrs. Aly Mildred Goss Elementary


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Presentation transcript:

UNIT 2 KINDNESS By: Mrs. Aly Mildred Goss Elementary

What is Kindness? Washing the dishes for my mom Helping my friends Taking care of my pet

Who can be kind? Parents Grandparents Teachers Friends Family Animals

How can you be kind? Give to someone in need Help someone who is hurt Show that you care

Why should you be kind? To feel good about yourself To make good friends People will have good memories of you

Examples of Kindness Help your friend who does not understand how to play a game Help your parent wash the dishes Watering plants

When can you be kind? Every day Don’t wait for people to be kind: Show them how!!

Can we show kindness at your school?  Pick up trash  Be patient  Open a door for someone  Play a game with your brother and sister  Smile at someone new  Lend a classmate a pencil

Can We Do More??  Help someone with a heavy load  Treat others as you would like to be treated  Water a dry houseplant  Forgive someone in your family/ or a friend  Read to a younger child  Help a teacher  Clean your room at home  Listen to a friend who needs to talk

AND EVEN MORE????  Help someone with his/her costume  Say thank you  Help a classmate with a problem  Let another go first  Say HI! To someone in another grade  Tell a family member why you love him or her  Show respect  Play with your pet  Help a family member with a chore  Help an elderly person  Make a new friend  Comfort a sad classmate

KINDNESS IS ENDLESS!!!! It should be our way of life