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Thanking my Family Roland School Students Send a Tribute to their Families.

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Presentation on theme: "Thanking my Family Roland School Students Send a Tribute to their Families."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thanking my Family Roland School Students Send a Tribute to their Families

2 People who have supported you: There are many people in my family that have supported me. Some of them are: Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, Uncles, Aunts, cousins, Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma, Great Grandpa, friends, teachers,

3 Ways you are helped by your family: My family helps me a lot! Here are some of the ways they help me: Clean up (my room, living room, toys, basement), doing dishes, doing laundry, doing chores (feed fish, cows), make the bed, mow the lawn, plant pumpkins. Fix stuff, find things, show me stuff. With school work / homework, read stories, handwriting, play piano and guitar. Play with me: games (video, hockey)/ play on the trampoline, teach me how to ride a bike, teach me sports, how to ride horses, with The TV, get the hockey bag out of the car. Drive me places / walk with me (to school). Let me play hockey. Buy stuff (food, drinks, things to wear). Give (makes/cooks) food – supper, lunch, breakfast. They take care of you when you get hurt. Give a cozy bed, a home and water. Live in an awesome place. Earning money.

4 Ways you can help at home: We all have responsibilities and jobs at home. These are some of the things I do to help out at home: Help work: Do dishes, make food / meals (own lunches) make a cake with my Mom, set the table, clean the table, wipe counters. Feed the cats, feed / take care of dog, clean up after the animals. Take out the garbage, make my bed, clean my own room by myself, clean up the house, clean the bathroom (clean the toilet), sweep the floor, wash the floor, vacuum the house, laundry, fetch things, help on the farm, clean pool). Help fix Dad’s semi, tractor. Work with my Dad. Help Mom, Dad, and Grandpa. Help my little brother fly a kite. Take care of little sister. Make Mom and Dad’s bed for them. Rake the leaves, clean the yard, mow the lawn. Don’t nag (for movies). Do more.

5 Activities you like to do with family members: My family likes to do a lot of things. Sometimes we have special things we do with just one other person, sometimes we do things as a whole family. Here are some of the activities we do. Play all sorts of Board games / card games (Sorry, Monopoly, Uno). Play Sports games (baseball, soccer, football, volleyball, jump rope, kick the can, basketball, tag, hide and go seek, swim, golf, hockey, fishing. ) Go camping, have a campfire, Play with our pets. Go for bike rides, horse rides, jump on the trampoline, Play outside, go for walks, go to the park, drive 4 wheelers, Watch movies, play on the computer, Go on trips (zoo), go visiting (cousins, grandparents), go shopping, get ice cream, go to birthday parties, Go to new restaurants. Eat supper.

6 What my family members do well: Some people in my family are really good at certain things. Here are some of the things the people in my family excel at: Loving Taking care of us and making us feel better. Helping with problems, someone to talk to. Working - Doing jobs, Going to work, doing chores (doing dishes, making food, cleaning, laundry), picking you up. Sewing, embroidery, cross stitch. Fixing things, building things (houses), hammering. Drawing, painting, playing music (guitar, piano), singing. Playing Sports (being a soccer goalie / player, catching a ball, baseball) running, riding bikes, cards. Playing games (video games, computer games), watching TV. Driving, driving 4 wheelers, driving the go cart. Bugging me, being loud / noisy, being quiet.

7 How you can show appreciation to your family: I really appreciate all of the things my family does for me. I can show them that I appreciate them by: Saying, “Thank you” to them. Giving hugs and kisses. Using manners (say, “You’re welcome”). Helping out - Cleaning up, helping my brother ride his bike, helping Dad / Mom, clean up inside / outside, make breakfast (in bed), cook supper, clean the dishes, feed dogs, mow lawn. Working together. Watching TV with your parents. Playing with them. Giving gifts / presents. Doing nice things for them. Saying nice things. Listening to them. Being grateful and happy and thankful. Saying, “I Love you”.

8 Messages to my family, recognizing their skills. I would like to send a “Thank you” to my family. They are so talented and capable. Here is what I would say to them: Thank you _________. You are the best at _________________________. Thank you __________. You are terrific at __________________________.

9 A ‘Thank you’ to my family Thank you _________. You are the best at _________________________. Love,

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