MSMC Collaborative for Equity in Literacy Learning K-6Programs at the Newburgh Armory Unity Center
Involve teacher candidates and trained volunteers to provide authentic literacy experiences for children to improve as literacy users, both in skill and in interest. Close the literacy achievement gap for students who are not successful in school with tutoring and out-of- school literacy programs to promote lifelong literacy. Study the programs to ensure they are meeting participants’ needs and to offer other communities models for exemplary community based literacy programs.
One-on-one tutoring with MSMC graduate students in literacy. Students are assessed, then instructional lessons are taught to target literacy needs. Data are collected to support student growth across semesters and to share with school district.
1 Graduate class worked with 18students in grades K-5 to provide one-on- one instruction, 3 days a week, for five weeks.
3 Graduate classes in literacy are tutoring students in grades 1-6, one afternoon a week for 10 weeks. More than 40 students are participating.
K-2 Read Aloud Club Teacher candidates select quality multicultural books to read and engage children in conversations about the book and their world.
Children prepare for a Readers Theater of the book, What Are Your Doing? Literacy activities such as Reader’s Theater, bookmaking, and exploring other texts, follow each read aloud.
Teacher candidates facilitate book talks with older children who read and engage in conversation and art related activities about the book. The books represent the diverse cultural backgrounds of children.
Family Literacy Nights December 2013 & April 2014 New literacy graduate course sequence to provide tutoring 2x per week Study model for continuous improvement