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READ BOX: The Organized Book Room

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Presentation on theme: "READ BOX: The Organized Book Room"— Presentation transcript:

1 READ BOX: The Organized Book Room
Innovation Grant by Bridget Schopf & Mike Scoville

2 “Teaching becomes easier and children learn more when teachers share and have easy access to high quality materials.” -A Guide to Effective Literacy Instruction Grades 4-6 – Matching Books to Readers: Using Leveled Books in Guided Reading K-3---Fountas & Pinnel

3 -Encourages teamwork by pooling resources -Supports District Growth Plan -Optimizes fiscal resources -Lessens time spent gathering materials -Ensures children are reading at their assessed instructional reading levels WHY A BOOK ROOM?

4 Collaborative Student Conversations
-Book Clubs -Guided Reading -Literature Circles -Flexible Grouping Collaborative Student Conversations

5 Where are we now?

6 One Book, Two Books…

7 Books Books Everywhere


9 Do you know Where the Red Fern Grows?

10 Accessible?

11 The start of something new?

12 Action Plan 1. Gather district-purchased multiple copies
2. Bring to central location and sort 3. Inventory material and evaluate gaps 4. Catalog and label all materials Gibraltar Book Room 5. Set goals based on gap analysis 6. Select and purchase texts (Fiction/Non- fiction, Levels, Genres) Action Plan

13 Prepare Physical Space
1. Clean room and create a motivating environment 2. Set up and label bookcases 3. Set up and label containers 4. Fill containers with literacy materials 5. Develop a functional borrowing system Prepare Physical Space

14 Remember… creating a functional book room is a collaborative ongoing process that takes time. Possible Additions: Mentor Texts Professional Resources Text Sets The Future…

15 Teamwork and Happiness for All!

16 Thank you for considering our proposal. Bridget & Mike

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