European Funding for community based employment initiatives Angeliki Stogia
European Structural Funds European Union’s main instruments for supporting social and economic restructuring across the EU They account for over one third of the European Union budget and are used to tackle regional disparities and support regional development through actions including developing infrastructure and telecommunications, developing human resources and supporting research and development. – ERDF – ESF – EAFRD – EMFF
Community Learning Grants Current programme: 2.5% of ESF – £9m is spent through Community Grants Retender: Grants up to £15K* accessed through simplified application arrangements, available to voluntary sector groups who would not otherwise be able to access ESF, to help people 19+ access the labour market – Help with basic skills – Support to overcome barriers to training and employment – Training advice and guidance – Job search assistance – Confidence building – Taster work experience including voluntary work – Personal development
Social Inclusion The Europe 2020 strategy has a target of promoting social inclusion, in particular through the reduction of poverty, by aiming to lift at least 20 million people out of the risk of poverty and social exclusion Cheshire and Warrington £11m Cumbria £7.5m Greater Manchester £46m Lancashire £18m Liverpool City Region £20m
European Structural and Investment Funds – LEPs Lead role for LEPs – notional 7 year allocations Voluntary partnerships between local authorities and businesses formed in 2011 by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to help determine local economic priorities and lead economic growth and job creation within its local area – Growing Places Fund: delivering local infrastructure priorities – Regional Growth Fund: drawing private sector leverage for job creation – Enterprise Zones: growth stimulation via simplified planning and business tax breaks – City Deals: Removing barriers to growth
European Structural and Investment Funds – LEP role Developing strategy, working with wide range of partners Selecting projects (commissioning, bidding and co-financing) Identification of match funding Spend allocation (on time and in line with EU regulations) Ensure outcomes delivered Monitor delivery against strategy and programme priorities Not responsible for administering the funds (remains with Managing Authorities)
Opportunities/challenges for Third Sector Making the case for engagement BLF, Princes Trust opt-in offers Social Inclusion Community Led Local Development (CLLD) Equality & Diversity Social Innovation, Social Enterprise Community grants Place based programme Match funding (volunteer time??)
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