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NEW ANGLIA Local Enterprise Partnership 10 th December 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW ANGLIA Local Enterprise Partnership 10 th December 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW ANGLIA Local Enterprise Partnership 10 th December 2013

2 New Anglia Norfolk and Suffolk with ‘shared territory’ with GCGP Population approx. 1.5 million 60,000 businesses – mostly SMEs £26 billion GVA Established in May 2011 as a company limited by guarantee 14 Board members – 7 business, 6 local authority, 1 HE/FE 11.5 members of staff (we’re not EEDA!)

3 Aims and Objectives Bring private and public sector together Break down barriers to growth and job creation Signpost businesses towards local and national support Strategic Leadership for collective action on growth Small scale direct delivery Not a grant giving body Role and remit is growing all of the time

4 So far…………………….. East of England Energy (Enterprise) Zone –Great Yarmouth/Lowestoft –13,000 jobs over 25 years Finance for Business –£13 million to support business growth –Grants between £5,000 and £500,000 up to 20% of costs Growing Places Funding –£18m of loans into 8 projects (revolving Fund)

5 And……………………… Focus on the Green Economy –National pathfinder Business Information Portal Skills Manifesto Lobbying for transport improvements Two City Deals with Growth Hubs Assisted Area Status

6 At the moment………….. Period of strategising! Towards a Growth Plan Strategic Economic Plan EU Investment Strategy - £81m over 7 years –Support for social enterprise –Support for VCS

7 Opportunities Third Sector / VCS Engagement Plan Funding to understand the sector EU ‘Structural and Investment Funding’ Blank canvas Community Led Local Development (CLLD) –£6m for ‘bottom-up growth’ Collaboration potential between LEPs

8 How to engage with us Help us to help you Understand our priorities, role (and limitations) Understand that all LEPs are different Talk our language Have a collective voice Respond to consultation (SEP in January) Think scale and collaborate

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