Board of Supervisors General Plan Study Session Circulation Element Traffic, Circulation, Land Use Correlation Traffic, Circulation, Land Use Correlation April 26, 2005 Traffic, Circulation, Land Use Correlation Traffic, Circulation, Land Use Correlation April 26, 2005
Topics to be Covered Consistency between Land Use and Circulation ElementConsistency between Land Use and Circulation Element Existing Traffic ConditionsExisting Traffic Conditions Major Circulation Policy Issues that need Board ConsiderationMajor Circulation Policy Issues that need Board Consideration General Plan ProcessGeneral Plan Process
Consistency between Land Use & Circulation Land Use Element Housing & Jobs Circulation Element Trips
LOS B LOS A Note: LOS is based upon functional road design capacity in conjunction with volume LOS D LEVELS OF SERVICE (LOS) LOS C
LEVELS OF SERVICE (LOS) LOS E LOS F Note: LOS is based upon functional road design capacity in conjunction with volume
Existing Conditions – Level of Service
Traffic Concerns The road system is currently experiencing lowered Level of Service which will be largely impacted in the future by new growth within Cities. Within 20 years, some roads will be LOS “F” during peak hours. TAMC is currently in the process of developing a funding program to improve various regional roads and highways throughout the County. The County needs to develop funding programs for County roadway deficiencies. The County needs to take an active roll in obtaining participation in County road improvements from cities.
Balance between Land Use, Infrastructure, Funding Level of Service The correlation of a Land Use Element and Circulation Element will require that growth be phased in accordance with road improvement funding program and construction
Policies Issues Many issues will be included in the Draft GP by staff. Board of Supervisors input on major issues.
A. Level of Service Performance Standard Recommend: 1.LOS C is the performance standard with specific exceptions: –Rural/Agricultural Lands: LOS D to support community areas. –Community Areas: LOS D within Community areas or lower if determined through a community plan. –State Highways and Regional Corridors: LOS D as determined by TAMC –Existing LOS D or E Roads: No further degradation in LOS –Carmel valley Road: CVMP Policy The LOS Standard is anticipated for build out of the General Plan
B. Circulation And Land Use Recommend: 1. New development will be required to construct improvements to mitigate project specific impacts to local, sub-regional, regional circulation infrastructure. 2.New development will be required to contribute its fair share towards cumulative mitigation of the General Plan for local, sub-regional, and regional circulation infrastructure.
C. Fair Share Recommend: The County shall implement circulation impact fees for areas of benefit based on a capital improvement programs for the individual areas. Areas of benefit may include community areas, geographic areas, and/or sub-regional corridors. The Circulation impact fees shall be based on a Pro- rata fair share of the cost of the improvement consistent with Government Code The County will seek participation from cities when development within cities impacts the County circulation infrastructure.
D. Regional Roads Recommendation: The County shall support TAMC/State/Federal efforts in the creation of additional mechanisms to provide resources for circulation infrastructure The County shall continue to encourage TAMC to include other County roads that serve as regional corridors in the TAMC Regional fee program.
E. Infrastructure Concurrency Recommendation: Level of Service standards must be maintained by new development through completion of project specific mitigation, advancement of regional improvements and/or through the contribution of a fair share fee for cumulative regional, sub-regional, and local improvements that are included in a fully funded capital improvement program.
General Plan Process-Circulation Element GP document preparation with land use assumptions Environmental Review Traffic Modeling –Jobs/Housing –Trip Generators/Receptors –Distribution and Assignment –Results Iterative Process