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System Management and Operations System Development and Design Growth and Development Plan Components E AST -W EST G ATEWAY.

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Presentation on theme: "System Management and Operations System Development and Design Growth and Development Plan Components E AST -W EST G ATEWAY."— Presentation transcript:


2 System Management and Operations System Development and Design Growth and Development Plan Components E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

3 Investment Plan to Board and EAC in January Review of strategies and actions for Board in February Circulation of full document in mid- February Six public open houses (200 attendees) Plan Review E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

4 More than 130 comments Most noted issues - MO 141 - I-44/Pacific Interchange - I-55/Weber Interchange - MO MM Public Comment E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

5 MO MM: advance $10 M into 2011-2020 time frame I-64/Grand interchange: include as illustrative project I-270/US 67 interchange: include as illustrative project Plan Modifications E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

6 Preservation of existing infrastructure Safety and security in travel Congestion Access to opportunity Sustainable development Efficient movement of goods Focus Areas for Problem Solving E AST -W EST G ATEWAY




10 Source: IDOT Source: MoDOT

11 Funding for continual improvement of highway system Maintain transit assets and service Three-quarters of anticipated revenue - $10.7 billion Preservation E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

12 Pavement cond map

13 Bridge Cond Map


15 St. Louis Region

16 E AST -W EST G ATEWAY Source: Missouri Highway Patrol, IDOT

17 89,000 crashes a year 31,000 injuries 325 deaths Leading cause of death for those ages 1 to 24 Safety E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

18 Regional Transportation Safety Initiative – engineering, enforcement, education, emergency response TravelSafe Communities Congress MO Safety Blueprint for Safer Roads TIP funding in TravelSafe corridors Safety E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

19 Source: Missouri Highway Patrol, IDOT


21 Source: Missouri Highway Patrol, IDOT

22 Cong PM map

23 E AST -W EST G ATEWAY Source: Texas Transportation Institute, 2004 36 hours delay per peak traveler per year $647 wasted fuel and lost time per peak traveler per year

24 Need both expansion and management Sixty percent of congestion is non- recurring Major projects in investment plan focus on expansion - $2.8 billion Congestion E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

25 System Management – ITS Freeway Management System Arterial Management System Transit Management System Access Management Travel Demand Management Congestion E AST -W EST G ATEWAY


27 Job access – Auto

28 Job access – Transit

29 High access and mobility for auto users Limited transit and paratransit service Impact of employment dispersal on non- auto users Access challenges for youth, elderly, and disabled residents Access to Opportunity E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

30 Implement job access strategies Ensure ADA compliance and promote awareness of and projects addressing access/mobility issues Encourage paratransit coordination and service expansion Support increases in transit/paratransit funding Continue to pursue MetroLink expansion Access to Opportunity

31 Urbanized Area Change


33 Transportation and land use linkage Travel choices Compatibility of transportation projects with surrounding environment Sustainable Development E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

34 Gateway Blueprint Model Context Sensitive Design Develop arterial design standards Accommodate alternative modes of transportation Encourage development that reduces need for travel or places jobs closer to labor markets Sustainable Development E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

35 National Freight Flow Map Source: FHWA Multi-Modal Freight Analysis Framework Project using Reebie Associates 1998 data *Includes all commodities; all truck types; highway freight density in tons National Truck Freight Flows 2000

36 Combined Freight Flow Map

37 Goods Movement Complex intermodal freight system St. Louis 12 th in total freight tonnage and 15th in total freight value (inbound and outbound) Much activity is intraregional E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

38 Goods Movement Intermodal freight study: assets, opportunities, obstacles Develop a regional investment plan Advance freight projects for TIP consideration E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

39 Next Steps Complete public open houses Jefferson County, Thursday St. Louis City, Tuesday Prepare public comment for Board review Recommend Board adoption in March E AST -W EST G ATEWAY


41 Investment Priorities 2007 – 2010 (Millions of $2007)

42 Investment Priorities 2011 – 2020 (Millions of $2007)

43 Investment Priorities 2021 – 2030 (Millions of $2007)

44 Illustrative Projects (Millions of $2007)

45 Investment Plan Major implementing agencies Fiscally constrained Project priorities by time period E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

46 Available Revenues and Major Uses: 2007- 2030 (millions of $2007) Values are based on federal and state revenues available to IDOT and MoDOT, and federal, state, and local revenues available to Metro. Preservation/ Operations Major Projects TIP Metro MoDOT IDOT

47 IDOT Financial Capacity: 2007 – 2030 ($2007)  3 Projects - $1.24 billion  3 Corridors - $600 million

48  53 Projects - $4.1 billion  25 Corridors - $1.5 billion MoDOT Financial Capacity: 2007 – 2030 Enhanced Baseline Scenario ($2007)

49 Metro Financial Capacity: 2007 – 2030 Baseline Revenue Scenario ($2007)  Maintain Existing System

50 Metro Financial Capacity: 2007 – 2030 Enhanced Revenue Scenario ($2007)  Maintaining Existing System + 3 MetroLink Extensions

51  60 Projects - $8.2 billion  27 Corridors - $2.1 billion Regional Financial Capacity: 2007 – 2030 (All modes)

52 Priority Project Costs by Improvement Type (Millions of $2007)

53 Constitutional Amendment 3 New Construction ($millions) $27$25$2I-270/Page $443$341$102Total 22$5$17I-64/Kingshwy $3 MO 141 $260$200$60I-64/I-170 $40$30$10Page Ext. $20 US 40 $59$53$6MO 21 $12$8$4I-44/Pacific TotalConstructionROW/DesignProject

54 Constitutional Amendment 3 Cost Distribution by County

55 Recommended Future Corridor Studies

56 Next Steps… Circulate document for public review Open houses - February Recommend Board Adoption - March E AST -W EST G ATEWAY

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