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Draft Transportation Element September 6, 2017

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1 Draft Transportation Element September 6, 2017
Sagle Sub-Area Plan Draft Transportation Element September 6, 2017

2 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Vision
Transportation Vision for the Sagle Community: The vision of this transportation plan is to provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound and fiscally responsible multi-modal transportation system that promotes efficient system management and operation, provides for and accommodates responsible growth, and emphasizes the preservation of the existing transportation system. This in turn will enhance economic opportunity and quality of life in the Sagle Community.

3 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Goals
Transportation Goal #1: Maintain, improve and grow a multi-modal transportation system that is consistent with the vision of this plan and that supports the residents and economy of the Sagle Community.

4 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Goals
Transportation Goal #2: Consider and provide for safety, cost effectiveness, efficiency, accessibility, and environmental impacts when planning to build new transportation systems and infrastructure.

5 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Goals
Transportation Goal #3: Provide for the construction of transportation improvements concurrent with new land development. Consider the impact of development on existing and proposed transportation routes.

6 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Goals
Transportation Goal #4: Keep citizens informed and involved in the planning of facility improvements and new facility construction.

7 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Goals
Transportation Goal #5: Participate in regional transportation planning efforts. Work with local and state agencies to coordinate and cooperate in transportation planning and improvement of the transportation network.

8 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Goals
Transportation Goal #6: Study and evaluate the feasibility of road/rail grade separation(s) within the Sagle Community to reduce traffic congestion, maintain local access and circulation as much as possible, and to improve the safety of all modes of travel.

9 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Goals
Transportation Goal #7: Study and evaluate options and feasibility for increasing the connectivity between east and west Sagle, minimizing the barrier-effects of Highway 95.

10 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Policies
Transportation Policy #1: The Sagle Community shall participate and cooperate in the periodic review and update of the standards for the design and construction of County transportation systems, including but not limited to, the consideration of: Features to reduce wildlife hazards; Environmentally responsible design features; Features to minimize impacts on surface and ground water; Standards for widened shoulders or other features to accommodate pedestrians and bicycles on existing roadways.

11 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Policies
Transportation Policy #2: When designing and constructing new roads and transportation infrastructure within the Sagle Community, the State, Bonner County, and private parties shall: Give priority consideration to public safety; Limit the risk of wild fires; Avoid locating roads in sensitive areas to minimize environmental disruption and construction costs; Consider provisions for non-motorized and pedestrian features, including separated pedestrian and bicycle paths.

12 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Policies
Transportation Policy #3: The Sagle Community should support the construction of passing lanes and turn lanes on State and County roads to address safety concerns and excessive delays. Transportation Policy #4: The Sagle Community should cooperate with Bonner County and the State for the provision of safe turnouts for disabled vehicles, slow vehicles, and/or scenic viewpoints. Transportation Policy #5: The Sagle Community shall consider the restriction/elimination of access points as opportunities arise to improve safety and maintain the capacity of existing arterials.

13 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Policies
Transportation Policy #6: The Sagle Community shall, in cooperation with Bonner County, promote the shared use of railroad crossings in an effort to minimize the need for new crossings. Transportation Policy #7: The Sagle Community shall cooperate with Bonner County to retain public right-of-way to provide an adequate transportation system, including provision for private property access, to accommodate utilities, and to access and view water bodies. Transportation Policy #8: The Sagle Community shall support state and local efforts to provide and improve trail corridors, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and recreational and sporting access.

14 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Policies
Transportation Policy #9: The Sagle Community should promote multiple transportation modes, such as bus, rail, car- pooling, and bicycles whenever possible. Transportation Policy #10: The Sagle Community subarea plan shall include provisions to prohibit the siting of incompatible uses adjacent to general aviation airports operated for the benefit of the general public, whether that airport be publicly owned or privately owned for public use. Such regulations shall be adopted only after formal consultation with airport owners and managers, private airport operators, general aviation pilots, ports, and the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) Division of Aeronautics.

15 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Policies
Transportation Policy # 11: The Sagle Community shall establish regulations to require new development to mitigate their impacts on County roads consistent with Idaho Statutes Title 67, Chapter 82, or as hereafter amended. Transportation Policy #12: The Sagle Community shall cooperate in the establishment of a Concurrency Management System to help ensure that transportation improvements, strategies, and actions needed to support new development will be in place in time to support the developments causing such needs. Transportation Policy #13: The Sagle Community shall cooperate in the establishment and maintenance of financing plans based on the transportation needs and priorities identified in the comprehensive plan and any associated Bonner County sub-area plans.

16 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Policies
Transportation Policy #14: Priority consideration should be given to the construction of all-weather road surfaces and improvements that will minimize seasonal road restrictions. Transportation Policy #15: The Sagle Community shall cooperate in the pursuit of any funding available to develop one or more road/rail grade separation points in the community. This would include identifying a recommended alternative based on those crossings experiencing the highest traffic congestion conditions and identifying future studies, permits, potential funding sources and other special requirements that would be needed to advance a grade separation project.

17 Sagle Sub-Area Plan Transportation Plan: Policies
Transportation Policy #16: Highway development shall be accomplished in a manner so as to minimize barrier effects and maximize connectivity between opposite sides of the highway. This effort shall take into account the connectivity needs of all cross-highway traffic, including vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. Transportation Policy #17: Proposed Development in the Sagle Community shall be evaluated for consistency with the goals and policies herein.

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