Tick awareness commencing 30 March 2015 Learn all about ticks and where they live Why you need to be tick aware How to avoid them What to do if you are bitten
Tick awareness commencing 30 March 2015 Some facts to whet your appetite Ticks like to attach themselves to warm moist areas like the armpit or hair line such as the neck You need to remove them as soon as possible and safely using a tick removal tool The red circle ( Erythema migrans), commonly associated with Lyme disease, does not always show up after a tick bite
Ticks - what do they look like? A typical female is 2.5mm in length Adult down to nymph, measure in centimetres.
Ticks - what do they look like? An engorged adult, having fed on a host.
Tick awareness commencing 30 March 2015 What is happening locally to support this campaign? There will be opportunities to learn more about ticks, where they live and how to avoid them and most importantly, how to remove them safely
Tick awareness commencing 30 March 2015 Where can I find out more? There will be an information table set up in the Atrium, County Hall. It will be manned: Monday 30 March 3pm until 5pm Tuesday 31 March 10am until 12mid-day and Wednesday 1 April 1pm until 3pm Over the next 6 months, other events will be advertised locally and on the council website
Tick awareness commencing 30 March 2015 Where else can I find out about ticks? Wiltshire Council website: NHS Choices website: Tick recording scheme: