When you use fossil fuels, like heating oil to keep your house warm or gasoline for your family’s car, these things create carbon dioxide, also called.


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Presentation transcript:

When you use fossil fuels, like heating oil to keep your house warm or gasoline for your family’s car, these things create carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas. Many scientists believe that greenhouse gases are making the earth too warm. Your carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 you create. A big carbon footprint is bad for the planet.

The term "carbon footprint" is defined as the amount of greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide) that are emitted into the atmosphere each year by a person, a household, a building or a company. These greenhouse gases trap heat within the atmosphere which could have a serious impact on the global climate by raising global temperatures.

 European Union 25  USA  Canada  Australia  New Zealand  Japan  Korea  Russia.

Heating homes, schools and workplaces to having parents drive you to a soccer game or other after-school activity. burning of Almost every activity of our daily lives contributes to our carbon footprint. This includes anything that requires fossil fuels, from lighting

 The rising global temperatures could lead to drastic climate changes such as changes in rainfall patterns  (more rain in some places, less rain in others) and melting of ice worldwide which could result in a rise in sea levels.

 Average individual emissions are calculated from your lifestyle:  heating and lighting your home,  cooking,  how energy efficient you are etc.

Using renewable energy sources such as solar power, hydropower and wind energy can reduce our carbon footprint Using biofuels such as ethanol to power vehicles also reduces carbon footprint. Kids can talk to their parents about what options are available at home.

Recycling common goods such as  aluminum cans  glass bottles  plastic bottles  paper reduces greenhouse gas emissions and consumes less energy by cutting down on the amount of manufacturing required to create an object from raw materials

 Unplugging appliances when not using them, turning out lights when you leave the room, taking a bus, train or plane instead of a car, carpooling with other families and using bicycles when possible are some other methods of reducing carbon footprint.  Another strategy is to plant trees wherever possible since trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen into the atmosphere.

 If you are within walking distance of your destination, choose to walk rather than having your parents drive you there.  Especially on nice days, you can ride your bike, skateboard or Rollerblades to your destination. Not only will you be reducing your carbon footprint by eliminating the pollution a car would produce to take you to where you're going, you'll also be getting exercise.

 When products are produced or food is grown in a different part of the country, these products must be transported in order to be sold and consumed in your area.  Even more fuel is used and carbon emissions released by transportation systems that bring in goods from other countries. Buying local goods can help reduce fuel usage and carbon emissions by eliminating the need to transport anything.  Talk to your parents about the benefits of buying local products.  Local farmers markets are good sources of produce grown in the area. Gifts for special occasions can be found at local craft fairs.  Because local goods don't have to be transported very far, they are sometimes cheaper than imported products, which will also help your family save money.