Presented by Kuei-Chih Chuang 1 Ph.D., Hung-Ju Tsai 2 Graduate School of Vocation & Technological Education National Yunlin University of Science & Technology.


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Presentation transcript:

Presented by Kuei-Chih Chuang 1 Ph.D., Hung-Ju Tsai 2 Graduate School of Vocation & Technological Education National Yunlin University of Science & Technology A New Developing Curriculum on the Transition Effects of the Vocational Training for Adult Learning Program – A Case Study of the Funeral Mortician Services

Considerations of adult learning development and utilization in transition training Aging society increases the possibility of career transition. Funeral Mortician Services (FMS) Research Background

Demands of adult learning development Self-development experiences Effectiveness of career transition training in FMS industry Research Motivation

To examine the variances between variables and effectiveness of transition training. To examine the relationship between variables and effectiveness of transition training Research Objectives

To examine the correlation between trainee’s characteristics, teaching course, career support and effectiveness of transition training. To examine the predictability between trainee’s characteristics, teaching course, career support and effectiveness of transition training. Research Objectives (cont.)

Each individual variable of FMS is independent. There is no significant relationship between variables and effectiveness of transition training. Research Hypothesis

Each individual variable of FMS is interrelated. There is a significant relationship between variables and transition training effectiveness. Research Hypothesis (cont.)

Adults Funeral Service Industry Transition training Definition of Terms

Research objects Samples Selection Scope of Research

Research objects Source of samples Source of research materials Limitations

Literature Review Characteristics of adult learners Concepts of transition training Factors may influence the effectiveness of transition training Relevant study of transition training Contents of FMS

Fundamental of adult learning development Characteristics of adult learning development Adult learning principles

Concepts of Transition Training Basic concepts Meaning Theories

Effecting Factors of Transition Training Trainee’s characteristics Course design Workplace

Relevant Study 研究者年代對象方法 卓雅偵 1996 壽險公司問卷調查 柯全恆 1997 企業界問卷調查 、訪談 歐怡君 2001 壽險外勤問卷調查 王瑞賢 2001 推廣教育問卷調查 邵孟瓊 2002 公務人員問卷調查 張瑞芬 2003 失業者問卷調查 、訪談 張文彥 2003 壽險外勤問卷調查

Relevant Study (cont.) 研究者年代對象方法 李宜珈 2003 銀行員工問卷調查 何黛珊 2005 壽險外勤問卷調查 王玲玲 2005 壽險內勤問卷調查 魏淳芳 2005 高科技產業問卷調查 吳進興 2005 飛機維修員問卷調查 張志長 2006 社福人員問卷調查 張曉平 2006 觀光旅館員工問卷調查

Funeral Mortician Services (FMS) Definition of FMS Job classification Job characteristics

Research Approach Structure of research Research process Research objects Means Data management

Structure of Research

Research Objects 540 samples Received over 280 hrs pre-service training from Jan. to Dec Qualified trainees who were re-employed.

Research Tools Scale of effectiveness Personal details Learning motivation Training course Career support Effectiveness of transition training

Research Tools (cont.) Pre-test analysis: 77/90 effective questionnaires (85.6%). 60 questions remained after item, factor and reliability analysis. Sample questionnaire: 352/450 were collected (78.2%) 330 of them were effective.

Pre-test Questionnaire 培訓單位發放數回收數無效 問卷 有效 樣本 北區桃園職業 訓練中心 中區嶺東科技 大學 南區雲林科技 大學

Pre-test Analysis(1/3) Item Analysis Using critical ration and relevant analysis to process question selection. Using t ratio to determine the question differences through the group of the highest 27% and the lowest 27% of effective questionnaires. Significance level must reach.01 and the absolute value of critical ration must be higher than 3.0. The standard of question selection: absolute value: higher than.30 with.01 significance level. 1-6, 2-12, 3-1,3-16,3-19 were cut out.

Factor Analysis(2/3) The KMO value of learning motivation is.818; teaching course.906, career support.871; transition training effectiveness.862 KMO> , 4-2 were cut out.

Pre-test Analysis(3/3) Reliability Analysis 量表學習動 機 課程教 材 職場支 持度 訓練移 轉成效 整體 Cronb ach α 題數

Sample Questionnaire 培訓 單位 發放 數 回收 率 無效 問卷 有效 問卷 北區 宜蘭縣產業技能訓練 推廣協會 北區華梵大學 桃園職 訓中心 職業訓練中心 桃園職 訓中心 職業訓練中心 桃園職 訓中心 職業訓練中心

Sample Questionnaire (cont.) 培訓 單位 發放 數 回收 率 無效 問卷 有效 問卷 南區 中華殯葬教育 學會 台北市華梵大學 台北縣華梵大學 苗栗縣苗栗縣殯葬教 育學會 苗栗縣苗栗縣殯葬教 育學會

Sample Questionnaire (cont.) 培訓 單位 發放 數 回收 率 無效 問卷 有效 問卷 南投縣社團法人台灣 就業輔導協會 台中縣中州技術學院 高雄縣中華殯葬教育 學會 高雄縣中華殯葬教育 學會 屏東縣大仁科技大學

Research Process

Research Methodology Questionnaire survey research Interview

Data Management Quantitative analysis Qualitative interview survey

Findings & Discussion

Findings & Discussion (cont.)

Analysis of Variances – Background Variables There is no significant difference in trainee’s characteristics (P>.05). There is a significant difference in employment situation (P=.000<.001) H null is partially accepted.

Analysis of Variances – Background Variables (Cont.) There is no significant difference in training course (P>.05). There is a significant difference in employment situation (P=.000<.05) H null is partially accepted.

Analysis of Variances – Background Variables (cont.) There is no significant difference in career support (P>.05). There is a significant difference in employment situation (P=.000<.05). H null is partially accepted.

Analysis of Variances – Background Variables There is no significant difference btw background variables and transition training effectiveness. Gender, education, employment, expenses in the period between pre and post training shows there is a significant difference (P<.001).

Analysis of Variance – Background Variables versus Training Effectiveness H2-1 : There is no significant difference between genders and training effectiveness. – Accepted

Analysis of Variance – Background Variables versus Training Effectiveness (cont.) H2-2 : There is no significant difference btw age and training effectiveness. – Rejected.

Analysis of Variance – Background Variables versus Training Effectiveness (cont.) H2-3 : There is no significant difference btw education level and training effectiveness. – Rejected.

Analysis of Variance – Background Variables versus Training Effectiveness (cont.) H2-7 : There is no significant difference btw martial status and training effectiveness.- Accepted

Analysis of Variance – Background Variables versus Training Effectiveness (cont.) H2-8 : There is no significant difference btw family financial burden and training effectiveness - Accepted

Analysis of Variances – Background Variables versus Training Effectiveness (cont.) H2-6 : There is no significant difference btw pre-training employment status and training effectiveness. - Rejected

Correlation Analysis H3-1 : There is a significant relationship between trainee’s characteristics and training effectiveness. – Accpeted r=.484;P=.000 <.05

Correlation Analysis (cont.) H3-2 : There is a significant relationship btw training course and training effectiveness. - Accepted r=.594;P=.000 <.05

Correlation Analysis (cont.) H3-3 : There is a significant relationship btw career support and training effectiveness. – Accepted r=.645;P=.000 <.05

Regression Analysis Trainee’s characteristics versus Training effectiveness F = , p=.000 <.001 Positively related Better trainee’s characteristics = better training effectiveness H null - accepted

Regression Analysis (cont.) Training course versus training effectiveness F = , p=.000 <.001 Positively related Better training course = Better training effectiveness H null – accepted

Regression Analysis (cont.) Career support versus training effectiveness Positively related F = , p=.000 <.001 Better career support = better training effectiveness H null- accepted

Conclusion 1. Trainee’s characteristics and training effectiveness are correlated. 2. Living and employment pressures are the sources of learning motivation. 3. Higher the education level, higher the training effectiveness 4. Combination of organization goals and career planning could improve training effectiveness.

Conclusion (cont.) 5. Creating a positive learning environment could improve the training effectiveness. 6. The satisfaction of training course and the awareness of career support could significantly increase the predictability of training effectiveness.

Recommendations Council of Labour Affairs To held the examination of professional FMS license. Improve transition training effectiveness by combining both public and private resources in the society. Government assistance and supports

Recommendations (cont.) Training Center To establish trainee verification mechanism. To establish HR database and improve the diversity of teaching strategies.

Recommendations (cont.) Companies To create a more interactive working environment for employees To provide internal training class for employees and strengthen the core competency. To adopt TTQS to improve the quality control management. To take advantage of internet resources and improve the internal training effectiveness

Recommendations (cont.) Companies To improve the integration of employee training plans and the needs of learning. To seek for strategic alliance

Recommendations (cont.) For researchers 1. Trainee’s managers or co-workers could be incorporated in the research survey. 2. More focus on longitudinal study 3. Freelancers shows higher level of effectiveness than in-position trainees during transition training.

End of Presentation Thank you for listening !