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E 化創新教學趨勢 與教師專業發展的管道 探路者網路學習研究室 台南大學數位學習科技學系 0932-830451 林奇賢.

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1 e 化創新教學趨勢 與教師專業發展的管道 探路者網路學習研究室 台南大學數位學習科技學系 0932-830451 林奇賢

2 高鐵便是我們的 Disruptive Innovation 就國內交通運輸而言 有了台鐵,為何還要有高鐵?

3 a business professor at Harvard University Disruptive Innovation Whenever an industry gets disrupted, people always consume more, because it’s more affordable, it’s simpler, easier to access, to customize to what they need. What a wonderful thing, that we would consume more education.


5 The Culture of Schooling: Teacher Centric Focused on the individual and does not promote collaboration and communication between students Makes limited use of digital resources and lacks adequate network connectivity and power infrastructure.

6 Research shows that student learning styles have changed Prefer multitasking and quick, non linear access to information Are visually ‐ oriented Are highly networked, interactive and social Increasingly mobile Have a low tolerance for lecture style teaching Prefer active learning rather than passive learning Rely heavily on communications technologies to access information and to carry out social and professional interactions (Prensky 2001, Oblinger 2003)


8 Learning Spaces Framework ( Curriculum Corporation MCEETYA 2008) Australian Education Ministers Council

9 Learner Centric Paradigm

10 New Learning Space: Flexible, Connected, Collaborative, Multisensory, Graphic

11 Designing Learning Spaces for 21st Century Learners Learning spaces in the 21st Century are both physical and virtual. A blend of physical and virtual environments.




15 e 化創新教學趨勢 1.PBL 2.Virtual Learning

16 Studies reveal that (1) teacher-awareness of effective technology applications, ( 應用 ICT 的能力 ) (2) availability of teacher-mentors or other peer support ( 同儕輔導 ), and (3) opportunities for educators to communicate with peers in other schools and conferences ( 社群、教學觀摩 ) are among the list of significant factors in successful professional development programs (CARET, 2004; Lathem, 2005). 教師專業發展的策略

17 Community of Practice and Teachers’ Professional Development Community of Practice: Set of Relations among Persons, Activity, and World” Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p.98 The concept of community of practice has become a major theme of teacher education and professional development.

18 Web 2.0 Binary Content Human Content

19 Participate in Two Communities of Practice Simultaneously Virtual Learning Community Physical (at workplace) Learning Community Learning Ecology

20 PBL 課程設計、分享、教學應用環境、社群

21 當校園被迫關閉時,我們有第二個管道與空間 進行學習活動嗎? 台灣準備好了嗎?

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