IS as a tool for Green Growth The EU perspective Teresa Domenech, UCL ISR.


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Presentation transcript:

IS as a tool for Green Growth The EU perspective Teresa Domenech, UCL ISR

EU Policy Strategy in IS Europe 2020 strategy: a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Priority Area: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy (focus on energy efficiency) Flagship initiative Resource Efficient Europe – Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe Waste in managed as a resource by 2020 Role of IS in boosting efficient production by promoting reuse of raw materials and process residuals Raw Materials Initiative Industrial Policy Communication Update – Markets for waste recycling – Move towards a closed-loop economy (European standards for graded qualities of recycled materials 7 th EAP DG ENT Green Entrepreneurship

Stakeholder Advisory Groups European Resource Efficiency Platform (EREP) – Membership – Recommendations to improve resource efficiency in Europe (short term and long term policy actions) European Innovation partnership on raw materials

EREP recommendation in IS “The EU and Member States should foster industrial symbiosis by promoting a pan-European network of industrial symbiosis initiatives, under which facilitators could be connected to allow match- making, including across borders and beyond the EU. The potential for creating new, or scaling up existing, networks should be exploited and a platform for knowledge exchange established. This would help companies to source inputs and to get value from their residues”.

EU regulation- Encouraging or hindering IS? WFD – review of targets – End-of-waste criteria Extended Producer Responsibility schemes

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