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Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee Paper Industry 29 May 2013 Industrial Policy in Europe Ewa Oney European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry Unit-F3.

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Presentation on theme: "Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee Paper Industry 29 May 2013 Industrial Policy in Europe Ewa Oney European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry Unit-F3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee Paper Industry 29 May 2013 Industrial Policy in Europe Ewa Oney European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry Unit-F3 «Raw Materials, Metals, Minerals and Forest-based Industries»

2 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 AGENDA: 1.EU Industrial Policy 2.EU Strategy for forest-based industries 3.European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials

3 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 EU Industrial Policy DG Enterprise & Industry Objective: develop and implement EU Industrial Policy to help provide growth and jobs through enhanced competitiveness and «re-industrialisation» (manufacturing regaining 20% share of GDP) A Stronger European Industry for Growth and Economic Recovery (COM(2012) 582 final of 10.10.2012) Industrial Policy

4 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 DG Enterprise & Industry Unit: "Raw Materials, Metals, Minerals & Forest-based Industries", relevant activities to paper sector: Sectoral policy actions: Forest-based Sector Strategy European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials Vigilance and appropriate interventions concerning policies affecting the sector EU Industrial Policy – forest-based industries Industrial Policy

5 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 2008 Strategy for forest-based industries Communication COM (2008)113: Innovative and sustainable forest-based industries in the EU Scope: woodworking, pulp & paper, printing Challenges for the EU Forest-based Industries and actions to address them: 1.Access to raw materials 2.Impact of climate change policies 3.Innovation, Research and Development 4.Trade and co-operation with third countries 5.Communication and information 2008 Strategy

6 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 Review of the challenges of 2008 Strategy Based on contributions from Forest-based Industries Advisory Committee Working Group in 2012 (CEPI active member) Scope extended: woodworking, furniture, pulp & paper and printing industries 2013 Strategy Revised 2013 Strategy for forest-based industries

7 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 Enhance F-BI competitiveness by focusing on creating growth and jobs through: boosting the demand and assuring an affordable raw materials supply; improving resource and energy efficiency; ensuring a coherent regulatory framework, fostering education, skills & training and promoting research & innovation. Remedial actions for 2013-2020 address the sector's main challenges 2013 Strategy Revised 2013 Strategy for forest-based industries

8 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 Challenges facing the EU forest-based & related industries: 1.Stimulating growth 2.International competition, trade and co-operation 3.EU Resource efficiency objectives 4.Energy efficiency and costs 5.Raw materials, their sources and their flows 6.Logistics (wood harvesting, infrastructures & transport) 7.Implementation of EU climate policy, including 2020+ 8.Coherence of EU legislation and costs arising 9.Structural adaptation 10.Education, training and skills, including shortages; ageing workforce 11.Innovation & RTD 12.Information, communications and image 2013 Strategy Revised 2013 Strategy for forest-based industries

9 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 EIP-RM Objective: address challenge of the sustainable supply of raw materials to European economy and society By bringing together all stakeholders (public & private sector) & a single coherent policy framework: R&D, investment, regulations and standards Scope: minerals (metallic, industrial and construction), natural rubber, woodworking and pulp & paper Timeline: 2012: preparation, 2013: programming, 2014-2020: implementation European Innovation Partnership On Raw Materials

10 ENTR G3 ENTR F3 ENTR G3 High Level Steering Group Orientation level + Sherpa group WP1WP2 WP3 WP4WP5 Actions/Projects Advice / Implementation Operational groups Planning / Monitoring EIP-RM

11 ENTR G3 Thank you for your attention!

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