French 2 1. Turn in any late work or warmup (pg. 7 11-18), final supply & book check. 2. NOTES: Dates, weather, seasons: R2 & R3 (B & D). 3. French.


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Presentation transcript:

French 2 1. Turn in any late work or warmup (pg ), final supply & book check. 2. NOTES: Dates, weather, seasons: R2 & R3 (B & D). 3. French I review vocabulary list-see on website. Upcoming quiz is over unit 1 from French I Begin grammar powerpoint-Take notes QUIZ : Thursday! (R2, R3) PreAP: Borrowed words due Wed. No H/W

French II-Reprise Grammar A. Definite/indefinite articles B. Negative of Un/une/Des C. Subject pronouns D. Contractions E. Jouer + À or De F. Possession with De G. Possessive adjectives H. Demonstrative Adjectives I. Interrogative Adjectives J. Stress pronouns K. ER, IR, RE verbs L. Questions + est-ce que M. Imperative (commands )

Definite articles Masc. Fem. Plur. Before vowel THE LE LA LES L’

PAR EXEMPLE : 1.Le livre est ici. Le stylo n’est pas ici. 2.La montre est ici. La voiture n’est pas ici. 3.Les livres et les montres sont ici. 4.L’arbre est ici. Les affiches sont ici. 5. J’aime la pizza. (In English we drop the La/Le/Les --I like Pizza-but not in French)

INDEFINITE ARTICLES (A, AN, SOME) UN (Masc.) A or An: UNE (fem.) A or An: DES (Plur.) Some: Un livre violet Une voiture violette Des livres violets Des voitures violettes

French 3 1. Final supply & book check, Finish Thursday’s game: checking answers: I have just eaten. She didn’t come to class. (P/C) We went camping this summer. (imperfect) They went grocery shopping (ran errands) (P/C) I don’t want to do my homework, but I do pay attention in class! 2. Review 5 verbs & expressions :R3 (know the slides too) then top 10 verbs-handout 3. Pg. 2-3 group reading/translating LETTERS will be given back for you all to re-do and type on word document. QUIZ: Wednesday---5 verbs & expression QUIZ: Friday-----first top ten verbs in present tense.

Corrigez!!! Je viens de manger. Elle n’est pas venue à la classe. Nous faisions du camping. Ils ont fait les courses. Je ne veux pas faire les/mes devoirs, mais je fais attention en classe!

French 1 Turn in late # pages, balloon girl page & final supply/book check. Notes: 0-20, by tens (3x French, 1x English) see text appendix R7 Review: Bonjour, Commment t’appelles-tu? (spell your name also) Quel âge as-tu? Au revoir! Review: alphabet, colors, numbers: aloud Games for review (+/-, hangman, phone#, board races) H/W: none, but practice for major oral grade Wed!