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WALT: Say what I am going to do with leisure phrases. WILF: To be able to recognise the future tense with “aller” (to go).

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Presentation on theme: "WALT: Say what I am going to do with leisure phrases. WILF: To be able to recognise the future tense with “aller” (to go)."— Presentation transcript:

1 WALT: Say what I am going to do with leisure phrases. WILF: To be able to recognise the future tense with “aller” (to go).

2 Listen to each person saying what they are going to do. Who is speaking? “Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire le weekend prochain?”

3 Look at the 12 phrases below, they are all expressions in the future tense. Copy each one in French and write the meaning in English. Je vais = I am going On va = we are going

4 The simplest way to form the future tense is to use the verb “aller” (to go) Je vais = I am going Tu vas = you are going Il va = he is going Elle va = she is going On va = we are going Nous allons = we are going Vous allez = you are going Ils vont = they are going Elles vont = they are going Plus an “infinitive”. This is the way a verb is written before any changes are made to it.

5 Here are some “infinitives”… Regarder = to watch Écouter = to listen Jouer = to play Voir = to see Lire = to read Manger = to eat Boire = to drink Acheter = to buy Faire = to do / to make

6 Combine a part of the verb “aller” with an infinitive to form the simple future tense. For example…. Je vais manger... = I am going to eat… Il va jouer… = he is going to play… Nous allons acheter… = we are going to buy Ils vont regarder le match = They are going to watch the match

7 Complete the following sentences with the correct part of “aller”, then translate into English. 1.Je ____________ jouer au foot ce weekend. 2.Elle ___________ lire une bande dessinée. 3.Ils ____________ écouter de la radio. 4.On ____________ manger au McDo ce soir. 5.Tu ____________ faire tes devoirs plus tard? 6.Phillippe ___________ boire une tasse de thé. 7.Mes parents ___________ acheter une nouvelle voiture. 8.Mes copains et moi ____________ aller au cinema.

8 Complete the following sentences with the most suitable infinitive from the list then translate into English. Regarder = to watch / Écouter = to listen / Jouer = to play / Voir = to see Lire = to read / Manger = to eat / Boire = to drink / Acheter = to buy / Faire = to do / to make 1.Il va _________ un sandwich pour le déjeuner. 2.Nous allons ____________ mes grand-parents le weekend. 3.Je vais _____________ au tennis avec mon frère. 4.Qu’est-ce que tu vas __________ à la télé? 5.Ils vont ____________ du vin. 6.Les élèves vont _____________ le professeur. 7.Monsieur Legrand va ___________ un journal. 8.Mon père va __________ du jardinage.

9 Translate these phrases into French… 1. I am going to watch a film. 2. We are going to play football. 3. He is going to buy a t-shirt. 4. My friends are going to eat at Mcdonalds. 5. Are you going to do your homework?

10 Find the following “infinitives” in French… 1.To take 2.To be 3.To have 4.To visit 5.To finish And now translate the following phrases into English… 1.He is going to take the bus. 2.I am going to be a pilot. 3.Are you going to finish your lunch? 4.We are going to have a party. 5.My cousins are going to visit.

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