King Henry II. Notes on King Henry II (1154-1189) The first English King to make laws that helped the lower class (peasants) 1.A jury must accuse someone.


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Presentation transcript:

King Henry II

Notes on King Henry II ( ) The first English King to make laws that helped the lower class (peasants) 1.A jury must accuse someone of a crime and a judge listen to the case. 2.Lords were upset because they relied on ordeal and combat to find guilt or innocence.

Notes on King Henry II ( ) Constitution of Clarendon 1.Gave the King the right to try clergy in the kings court, not the church court. 2.This made the clergy uncomfortable in England.

King John

Notes on King John Youngest son of King Henry II Made many enemies in England 1.English lords upset because taxes were too high. 2.The King arrested anyone he wanted. 3.King John used money from the church for himself.

Notes on King John The King was forced to sign the Magna Carta. 1.This was a contract between the people and the King (first ever). 2.The King agreed to obey the law respect the lords and the church. 3.He also agreed that “no free man” could be jailed without being judged by the law ( habeas corpus ).

King Edward I

King Edward I (1295) King John’s grandson Included more people in government Began a Model Parliament to govern and make laws. This included commoners, clergy, and nobles.