Narcotics are an addictive drug that reduces pain, alters mood and behavior and has a sedative effect.
The word Narcotic originally came from the Greek word “torpor” The ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian societies used extracts from the opium poppy to calm children The Greek physicians Galen and Hippocrates prescribed opium as medicine During that time, opium cakes and candles were sold on the streets
The Islamic civilization preserved the medical art of opium after the fall of the Roman Empire Great Britain fought China in 1839 – 1842 (The Opium War) to keep their highly profitable trade.
Some narcotic drugs are- Opium itself Heroin Codeine Morphine
Opium- a naturally occurring substance found in the seeds of the opium poppy. Contains morphine Used to produce heroin
The most potent narcotic found in opium Appears as a black, sticky substance The first extract was synthesized by C.R Alder Wright in Highly abused in the U.S. Heroin can be injected into the bloodstream by a needle, snorted/sniffed, or smoked. All methods could cause addiction to the drug and serious health problems.
Users say they may feel a surge of euphoria (a “rush” Clouded mental functioning Dry mouth Warm flushing of the skin 23% of users say they become absolutely dependant on it Users are within the age range of 12-49, the average age being 20.
Users going through a withdrawal of heroin may suffer from… Muscle and bone pain Insomnia Vomiting Cold flashes with goose bumps (“cold turkey”) Kicking movements A severe craving for Heroin during the withdrawal.
Codeine is an alkaloid found in opium, and in saps from other poppies such as Papaver bracteatum. While codeine can be extracted from opium, most codeine is synthesized from morphine.
Codeine was first isolated in 1832 in France by Jean-Pierre Robiquet. In 1972 the effects of the Nixon War On Drugs had caused across-the-board shortages of illicit and licit opiates because of a scarcity of natural opium, poppy straw, and other sources of opium alkaloids.
Physical Dependence Drug Craving Runny Nose Yawning Sweating Insomnia Chills Ect.
The extract of Morphine was first discovered in 1803 by Friedrich Wilhelm Sertürner Morphine is 10 times more potent than Opium Was used as a common medicine for treating injuries and severe pain during the Civil War
Morphine is for treating pain, not right after surgery Morphine may be addictive and not intended for non-prescribed persons You should not consume alcohol while using Morphine
Among the hazards of careless or excessive drug use are the increasing risks of infection, disease and overdose. Medical complications are common among recreational narcotic users arise primarily from the non-sterile practices of injecting.
Ceasing of the Drug Arresting of the user Fines
Presentation By Joey Burt Andi Hopkins Ariannia Williams