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Presentation on theme: "Heroin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heroin

2 What is it? It is an illegal, highly addictive drug
Natural occurring substance extracted from the seedpod of Opium poppy plant White or brown powder Cu1c

3 Street names “H” Smack Skag Junk Big H Blacktar Brown Sugar Dope Horse

4 Blacktar Heroin QdrQ4
Synthetic form of heroin that is a black and sticky substance

5 What category of drug is it?

6 Where did it come from? Heroin was made in 1898 by the Bayer Company in Germany. It was originally cough medicine and pain killer. 20 years later, doctors realized it was an extremely addictive substance. Harrison Act of 1914 outlawed Heroin in the first of many attempts to control it’s use. Word Heroin means powerful & heroic

7 How is Heroin used? 1. Snorted 2. Smoked 3. Injected (IV)

8 Snorting Sniffed through nose and absorbed into mucus membranes of nose and throat Peak effects are felt within 10 to 15 minutes Not as powerful or does not produce the “Rush”

9 Smoking Inhaling the drug into the mouth and lungs from inhaling the fumes Also known as free-basing Peak effects are usually felt within 10 to 15 minutes Does not produce the “rush” as IV use

10 Injecting (IV Use) Injecting drug directly into bloodstream by penetrating the veins with a hypodermic needle Method produces greatest intensity of the drug Most rapid euphoria (7 to 8 seconds) Produces the “Rush” that users speak of

11 Short-term effects “Rush” Depressed respiration
Clouded mental functioning Nausea & vomiting Suppression of pain Spontaneous abortion Drowsiness Block out pain & Problems Lack of attention Loss of appetite Euphoria

12 Long-Term Effects of Heroin
Addiction Infectious disease (HIV/AIDS) Collapsed Veins Bacterial Infections Abscesses Infection of heart lining & valves

13 Dope Sickness Withdrawal symptoms are extremely powerful
Violent vomiting Convulsions Cold sweats Extreme pain

14 Law or Medical Problem???

15 Not-so Fun Facts Average 84,000 visits to the ER annually in the United States due to Heroin use. Purity has drastically increased over past 20 years 75% purity today vs. 46% purity in 1991 600k heroin addicts in United States 400 new addicts per day 4th leading cause of death for people 25 to 49 years old.

16 Average first time user?
21.8 Years old is average age of first-time user.

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