1. S (+ Aux) + be + Vpp 2. It seems that + S + V…. → S + seem(s) to + V….


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Presentation transcript:

1. S (+ Aux) + be + Vpp 2. It seems that + S + V…. → S + seem(s) to + V….

1. S (+ Aux) + be + Vpp They are sometimes called “urban legends.” Many people are tricked by these urban legends. I was invited to Sam’s birthday party last Sunday. Jack’s homework will be finished in two days. The work must be done soon.

Let’s Try!! A. 根據提示字與圖片,使用被動語態來 完成句子。第一題為範例。 1. Last night, the man ________________ (take) away by the police. was taken

2. If you tell lies, you will ___________________ (punish). be punished 3. The people on the plane ___________________ (bother) by the crying baby last night. were bothered

4. A lot of computers _______________ (use) in our school now. are used 5. We all wanted to eat the cake, so it __________________ (divide) into six pieces. was divided

B. 根據問題與提示字作答。第一題為 範例。 1. A: This is really an old house! B: Yes. ____________________. (it/build/in 1950) It was built in 1950

3. A: The problem is very serious now. B: Yes, something _____________ (must/do) before the problem gets worse. 2. A: Last Friday, a fire broke out in the famous pub. B: Jesus! __________________ (anyone/hurt) Was anyone hurt? must be done

4. A: There is little traffic on the road. It is great! B: This is because the road ____________________ (not/use/ very/often) in the area. is not used very often 5. A: You are not looking well. What happened? B: I didn’t sleep well last night. I _________________________ (wake up/a big noise) during the night. was woken up by a big noise

2. It seems that + S + V…. → S + seem(s) to + V…. It seems that the stories from are real. → The stories from seem to be real. It seems that Jennifer likes Mr. Johnson very much. → Jennifer seems to like Mr. Johnson very much.

A. 根據上面的句型,改寫下面的句子。 第一題為範例。 Let’s Try!! 1. It seems that your ideas are right. → __________________________ Your ideas seem to be right.

2. It seems that Mr. Huang goes swimming every day. → _____________________________ ________________________________ Mr. Huang seems to go swimming every day. 3. It seems that Linda likes cooking. → _____________________________ Linda seems to like cooking.

4. It seems that the old woman is rich. → ____________________________ The old woman seems to be rich. 5. It seems that a lot of people love the performance very much. → ___________________________ ______________________________ A lot of people seem to love the performance very much.

B. Teddy 有三個好朋友,各有各的特色。 請用上面句型與下文之提示字描述他 及這三個好朋友的性格與習慣。

Teddy has three good friends: Maria, Steve, and Jeff. Maria is a hardworking girl. 1 It seems that she goes to the library every weekend. (it/seems/she/that/goes to the library/every weekend) Steven doesn’t study hard. 2 ________________________ ______________________ (he/play/ seems to/every day/online games) He seems to play online games every day.

Jeff is a careless boy. 3 _______________ _________________________________ (that/it seems/his things/loses/he/all the time) What about Teddy himself? 4 _________________________________ (seems to/he/a careful person/be) He does everything with care. It seems that he loses his things all the time. He seems to be a careful person. 結束放映