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Listening Practice 下面五題,每題錄音機會播出一個問句 或直述句,聽完後請從下面各題 A, B, C 三個選項中,選出一個最適合的回答或 回應。 Next.

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Presentation on theme: "Listening Practice 下面五題,每題錄音機會播出一個問句 或直述句,聽完後請從下面各題 A, B, C 三個選項中,選出一個最適合的回答或 回應。 Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 Listening Practice 下面五題,每題錄音機會播出一個問句 或直述句,聽完後請從下面各題 A, B, C 三個選項中,選出一個最適合的回答或 回應。 Next

2 _____ 1. (A) Because smoking is harmless. (B) Because smoking may cause lung cancer. (C) Because many doctors smoke. NextScript B

3 1. A: Why do doctors say smoking is so unhealthy? B: ____________________________ Back

4 _____ 2. (A) Yes. He passed his test. (B) No. It’s just a rumor. (C) No. He is really good. NextScript B

5 2. A: Do you think John really has a new girlfriend? B: __________________ Back

6 _____ 3. (A) He wasn’t honest. (B) He was hardworking. (C) He did a good job. NextScript A

7 3. A: David said he did his homework, but he lied. B: ____________________________ Back

8 _____ 4. (A) Yes. It’s a beautiful country. (B) Yes. More and more people are speaking it. (C) Yes. Math is very important. NextScript B

9 4. A: Do you think English is an important language? B: ____________________________ Back

10 _____ 5. (A) Yes. It’s a healthy habit. (B) Mary stopped smoking. (C) Don’t believe her gossip. Script Back to 1. C 結束放映

11 5. A: Mary said that John started smoking. Is it true? B: _____________________________ Back 結束放映

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