2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system


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2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system
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Presentation transcript:

2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Heart It is the pump that circulates blood throughout the body. More than 50% Americans carry genes that cause increased heart attack or stroke risk. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women. Did you know your heart is the size of your fist? 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

Heart Can you identify the structures of the heart? The heart is a double pump. Chambers-4 Valves-4 Double pump because it pumps blood in and out of both sides of the heart. Electrical Conduction system that causes it to beat 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Layers of the heart Pericardium Myocardium Endocardium Septum 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Chambers of the heart Left atrium Right atrium Right ventricle Left ventricle 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Heart Check your knowledge... Aortic semilunar valve Right atrium Left atrium Tricuspid valve Bicuspid (mitral) valve Pulmonary semilunar valve Right ventricle Left ventricle Septum Apex 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Heart Check your knowledge... Aorta Superior vena cava Pulmonary artery Aortic semilunar valve Pulmonary vein Right atrium Left atrium Tricuspid valve Bicuspid (mitral) valve Inferior vena cava Pulmonary semilunar valve Right ventricle Left ventricle Septum Apex 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

Flow of blood through the body Right side Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava Right atrium Tricuspid valve Right Ventricle Pulmonary valve Pulmonary artery Lungs CO2 and O2 exchange Left Side Pulmonary vein Left atrium Bicuspid valve Left ventricle Aortic valve Aorta Body 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

Conduction system of heart beats Refer to your textbook to identify the structures of the heart’s conduction system in the correct sequence for the heart to beat. 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

Structures of the circulatory system ARTERIES Arterial blood Oxygen rich Bright red, spurts 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

Vessels of the circulatory system ARTERIES Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the capillaries Elastic, muscular and thick-walled Transport blood under very high pressure Arteries > arterioles > capillaries 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

Structures of the circulatory system VEINS Carry deoxygentated blood away from the capillaries to the heart. Blood is pumped thru the heart under low pressure and walls are thin thus veins can collapse easily. Have valves that allow blood to only flow in one direction-toward the heart. This prevents backflow of blood toward capillaries. 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

Vessels of the circulatory system See handout List major artieries and veins from both Cardiopulmon-ary and Systemic Circulation Then take Open Book Quiz Identify the major arteries. Identify the major veins. 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

Structures of the circulatory system Capillaries The smallest blood vessels -1 cell thick Connect arterioles to venules Site of exchange Of CO2 and O2 of all cells 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

Flow of blood through the body Right side Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava Right atrium Tricuspid valve Right Ventricle Pulmonary valve Pulmonary artery Lungs CO2 and O2 exchange Left Side Pulmonary vein Left atrium Bicuspid valve Left ventricle Aortic valve Aorta Arteries Arterioles Capillaries Cells CO2 and O2 exchange Venules Veins 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Pulse sites Alternating expansion and contraction of an artery as blood flows through it. Radial Temporal Brachial Ulnar Facial Carotid Popliteal Femoral tibialis dorsalis pedis 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system

Common Pulse Sites Practice locating pulse sites... 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system