Europe, Bologna and Erasmus: Update on Developments UK HE International Unit.


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Presentation transcript:

Europe, Bologna and Erasmus: Update on Developments UK HE International Unit

Overview Context: Higher education and research in the EU context Erasmus for All Horizon 2020 The Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Agenda

Context: EU 2020 strategy The ‘Europe 2020’ strategy follows on from the Lisbon Strategy ( ) that set out to create “'the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy' in the worldLisbon Strategy 3% of the EU's GDP should be invested in R&D by 2020 The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the population aged should have completed tertiary or equivalent education

The EU agenda for the modernisation of Europe’s higher education institutions September 2011 Priorities putting higher education at the centre of innovation, job creation and employability, increasing student mobility and improving links between HEIs, research and business.

The next generation of EU HE and Research programmes New budgetary cycle: Rationalising, simplifying, connecting Focus on added value of European level Europe in international context

Erasmus for All: More money, less paperwork New European Commission programme proposal to run from Unites the seven existing programmes for education, youth, training and sport Proposed budget of €19 billion: an increase of 70%

Erasmus for All: Proposed changes Streamlined architecture supports three key actions: - Learning mobility - Cooperation for innovation and good practices -Support for policy reform Focus on EU added value

Learning Mobility Staff mobility Mobility for HE students and vocational education and training students Youth mobility including volunteering and youth exchanges Opportunities beyond Europe’s borders Erasmus Master Student Loan Guarantee Facility

Increased cooperation Strategic partnerships Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances International cooperation and capacity building Policy reform Policy tools Policy objectives Policy dialogue

UK HE Positions Welcomes: -Proposals to reduce administrative burdens -Budget increase -Emphasis on University-Business collaboration - International dimension -The UK HE sector is also interested to hear more about the European Masters Student Loan Guarantee Facility, provided it does not impinge on Member State autonomy

Concerns Very vague – need more details Too good to be true? EU tools for valorisation: U-Multirank Also keen to ensure that the international element of Erasmus for All includes all regions

Horizon 2020: renewing the EU research landscape 15% of the EU budget allocated for the current Framework Programme has gone to UK researchers. Total contribution of FP7 to UK research expected to reach €7 billion. Annually, FP7 contributes 5% of the UK’s national science budget, which is equivalent to the spending power of a medium-sized UK research council.

Value of EU research policy to UK universities

Horizon 2020: renewing the EU research landscape ‘Horizon 2020’ is the proposed new EU programme for research and innovation – 2020, total budget of €80 billion – a substantial increase on the budget for FP7 H2020 brings together all existing EU programmes for research and innovation under single umbrella: FP7, Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Innovation focus

Horizon 2020: Three key strands Excellent Science (€24.6 billion) 77% increase for ERC; Special attention to Future and Emerging Technologies (FETs); Researcher Careers; International co-operation encouraged Societal Concerns (€31. 7 billion) : Health, demographic change and wellbeing; Food security, sustainable agriculture and bio-economy; Secure, clean and efficient energy; Smart, green and integrated transport; Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials; Inclusive, innovative and secure societies. Industrial Leadership (€17.9 billion).

Horizon 2020: Broadly aligned with UK HE sector interests Substantial budget increase for European Research Council Continuation of excellence as underlying principle for allocation of EU research funding Single set of administrative rules for all components of Horizon Extension of administrative model of the European Research Council across Horizon 2020, allowing a 100% reimbursement rate. Move towards a more trust based control strategy eg. acceptance of the accounting practices of all participants

Remaining issues for the UK HE sector Increased role for the European Structural Funds in capacity building and widening participation across Europe. Cost declaration through full costing will not be possible. Specific Grand Challenges identified by the Commission under the ‘Societal Concern’ strand of Horizon 2020 Balance of funding between innovation and research

Key Bologna Process Reforms Bachelor – Master – Doctoral cycles (UK already uses this structure) Overarching Framework for Qualifications of the EHEA (UK HE qualifications frameworks self-certified) European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (Quality Assurance Agency – QAA) European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) (Experience of using credit – NUCCATS, SCQF) Diploma Supplement (New challenge – development of HEAR)

Bologna Process : Leuven Communiqué  Student mobility: in 2020, 20% of students graduating in the European Higher Education Area should have had a study or training period abroad  Lifelong Learning: Ministers formally acknowledged learning outcomes as the basis for recognition of formal and informal learning.  ‘Multidimensional transparency tools’: BFUG to monitor development of classifications/typologies and rankings of HEIs  Expanding Bologna’s remit: to include additional policy areas  International dimension enhanced in 2009

Bucharest Ministerial Summit: April 2012 Draft communiqué: In-depth implementation of Bologna Process tools Increased data collection and more transparency across the EHEA Monitor progress towards 2020 mobility targets Promote further convergence of programmes and recognition Discuss and endorse a revised framework for European Standards and Guidelines Stakeholders meeting: 13 March 2012 Chair of the International Unit, Professor Colin Riordan, to attend Ministerial summit