Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull WIDER PARTNERSHIP BRIEFING Friday 16 th May 2014 9.30am – 12.00pm The Blossom Suite, Solihull College.


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Presentation transcript:

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull WIDER PARTNERSHIP BRIEFING Friday 16 th May am – 12.00pm The Blossom Suite, Solihull College

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Welcome, Introductions & Housekeeping Dave Pinwell

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull AGENDA – 10.40Talent Match Procurement Process (Tracey O’Brien & Hilary Porter) – 11.00Delivery (Alan Crawford & Caroline Anson) SUSTAiN Programme outcomes The Talent Match Company Subsidised Wage Placements Volunteering Placements – 11.30Workshop Consultation (all) Exploring referral pathways and joint delivery – 11.40Workshop Feedback (Jason Wright & John English ) – 11.55Talent Match Ambassadors The story so far (Jason Wright,Robert Morris & Natasha Edwards) – 12.00Closing Comments

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Delivery Alan Crawford Caroline Anson

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Programme Outcomes Employment/Enterprise No of young people securing sustained employment (at least 6 months) 200 Number of young people obtaining employment (BVSC internal target) 400 No of young people securing self employment / enterprise (for at least 12 months) 100

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Programme Outcomes Work Experience No of young people undertaking work placements 500 Training, skills and education No of young people undertaking basic skills training opportunities 250 No of young people into apprenticeships 50 No of young people into formal education 50

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Programme Outcomes Volunteering No of young people undertaking volunteering placements 200 No of young people regularly undertaking volunteering 70 Young people engagement No of young people who were previously classed as "hidden“ 250 No of young people engaged 1000 Employer engagement No of new employers engaged 100 No of new work placements120 No of new employers offering work experience placements 120 No of new volunteer placements 80 No of new organisations offering volunteer placements 80 No of new apprenticeship opportunities 50

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Solihull SUSTAiN Involvement To raise the profile of Talent Match across Solihull To link Talent Match with complementary activities in Solihull that will add value to the young person’s experience To assist in the recruitment and deployment of Talent Match ambassadors To help develop the market-place in Solihull by attracting potential employers, host volunteer organisations etc To represent Solihull stakeholders at the Core Strategic Partnership

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Talent Match Cohort NEET HOTSPOTS in Birmingham and Solihull. Looked after young people. Young people with a learning difficulty / disability. Those who have offended or at risk of offending.

Assigned coach Assessment Action Plan Assigned coach Assessment Action Plan Referral – Self / Agency Referral – Self / Agency Secured Sustained employment and or self employment 300 (greater than 6 months) Secured Sustained employment and or self employment 300 (greater than 6 months) Talent Match Delivery Model Wrap around support Sustained self employment Volunteering placement Subsidised work placement

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull The Talent Match Company

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull The Talent Match Company Separate company limited by guarantee Company will employ all young people on the subsided wage option. Job matching service. Company will second young people to Voluntary, Statutory and Private sectors. Full time dedicated HR officer. Ongoing co-ordinated support.

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Subsidised Wage Placements

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Subsidised Wage Placements Criteria-Employers Young People Level of subsidy will be agreed per placement. Must be sustainable roles that reflect the labour market. Wage rate set at £6.31(top of NMW) irrespective of age. 30 hours week. Placements between 1 and 6 months. Risk managed by the talent Match Company.

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Volunteering Placements

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Volunteering Placements Criteria – Voluntary activity Young People 4 week placement Placement allowance £35 pw Volunteer expenses Placement agreement Ongoing coach /mentor support

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Workshop Consultation Exploring referral pathways and joint delivery

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Workshop Discussion 1.How do we ensure effective referral pathways that enable us to engage with hard to reach groups whilst ensuring demand does not exceed capacity? 2.How do we ensure Talent Match establishes synergy with other initiatives?

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Workshop Feedback Jason Wright John English

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Talent Match Ambassadors The story so far Jason Wright Robert Morris Natasha Edwards

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Talent Match Ambassadors 28 referrals 18 signed up 9 regular engagement Who they are What the role covers/what they do Activities Future Plans

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Robert -my story Experiences Employment

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Why I got involved What I like about being an ambassador: Conducting interviews Proof-reading Presentation Leaflet design and development Facebook page

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Natasha-My story My experience of education Barriers I’ve faced How I’ve benefited from being an Ambassador Hopes for the future

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull For further information To join the partnership: General : Employer & volunteering: Referrals &Ambassadors

Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull Closing Comments