INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL POWERS; The powers a municipal corporation exercises within the limits of its defined authority are called intramural or internal powers while those that it executes without or outside its defined authority are referred to as extramural or external powers. Examples of municipal powers are the construction of waterworks, the provision of electricity, management of a public market, or any other activity from which the municipal corporation derives a profit.
MANDATORY AND DISCRETIONARY POWERS Mandatory powers are those that may be required of municipal corporations while discretionary powers are those which municipal corporations may or may not perform depending on their sound judgment and discretion.
REVENUE POWERS Likewise, they are authorized to create their own sources of revenues and levy taxes, fees and charges that will accrue exclusively for their use and disposition and are retained by them, entitled to a just share in national taxes.
REVENUE POWERS These shall be automatically released to them and without need for a legislation authorizing the same or for further action, and to have a just and equitable share in the proceeds from the use or utilization and development or exploitation of the national wealth and resources within their respective territorial boundaries including the sharing of such proceeds with the inhabitants therein by way of direct benefits.
GENERAL WELFARE Within their respective territorial jurisdictions, local government units are mandated to promote the general welfare. General welfare consists of: (1) the preservation and enrichment of culture; (2) promotion of health and safety of the inhabitants; (3) enhancement of the right of the people to a balanced ecology; (4) encouragement and provision of support to the development of appropriate and self-reliant and scientific and technological capabilities; (5) imposition of public morals;
GENERAL WELFARE 6) enhancement of economic prosperity and social justice; (7) promotion of full employment among their residents; (8) maintenance of peace and order; and (9) preservation of the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants (Sec. 16, LGC). Local government units are also directed to discharge such functions as are necessary and proper, appropriate, or incidental to the efficient and effective provision of basic services and facilities (Sec. 17, LGC).
GENERAL WELFARE Local government units also have the power and authority to organize or establish or put up their development and planning offices. Such offices are charged with the efficient and effective implementation of their development plans and programs objectives and priorities.
Thank You!