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Presentation transcript:

ASSESSMENT AND CURRICULUM AT JFK John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment ASSESSMENT AND CURRICULUM AT JFK Evidence of progression for our students

John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment V:2 in draft

Assessment at JFK School John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment Assessment at JFK School At JFK school our Curriculum is personalised. We use Curriculum and Assessment Pathways to ensure all students have an appropriately personalised and challenging curriculum. Our approach is evidence based and informed by research. Our Pathways are developed to meet the learning needs of students who are working at engagement through to application of skills. Pre Formal Semi Formal Formal

John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment Assessment and Curriculum at JFK At JFK we are making links between the curriculum pathways we deliver and the assessment arrangements. Whilst currently acknowledging P Scales we are beginning to develop a vocabulary for baseline and assessment linked to participation or learning profile.

Assessment – Plan, Do, Evaluate and Review EHCP or Support Plan Identify outcomes (co-produced) Set personalised learning intentions (strengths, needs and aspirations) Plan suitable learning opportunities (formal, semi formal, pre-formal or personalised timetable) Deliver focussed sessions and record observations Review and amend learning intentions

John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment V:2 in draft

Basket of Assessments Please can you add in your slide John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment Basket of Assessments Please can you add in your slide Range of Assessment tools to support the cycle . . .

Pre Formal Curriculum Target Setting John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment Pre Formal Curriculum Target Setting Core Learning intentions: Communication engagement Creativity engagement Cognition engagement Physical Development Independence/Autonomy

Semi Formal Explore Curriculum Target Setting John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment Semi Formal Explore Curriculum Target Setting Core Learning Intentions Communication Exploring Creativity Exploring Cognition and Learning Physical Development Structure and Routine Independence/Social

Semi Formal Challenge Curriculum Target Setting John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment Semi Formal Challenge Curriculum Target Setting Core Learning Intentions Communication Social Functional Skills independence Cognition and Learning Creativity Physical Development

Formal Curriculum Target Setting John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment Formal Curriculum Target Setting Core Learning Intentions Communication Social Functional Skills Literacy Functional Skills Maths Cognition and Learning PE/Sports Life Skills Vocational

Formal Curriculum Links Target Setting John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment Formal Curriculum Links Target Setting Core Learning Intentions Functional Skills Writing Functional Skills Reading Functional Skills Maths Speaking and Listening Cognition Science based Cognition Humanities PE/Sport Social Skills/Independence

Why do our MAPPS look different John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment Why do our MAPPS look different Our Assessment arrangements are directly aligned to our curriculum. We make links to National Curriculum Content where appropriate but do not differentiate National Curriculum. Our pupil groups require personalisation rather than differentiation. This is how we do it There are many ways to create a MAPP system It can be as large of a small as you want Ours is large/whole school and a central part of our assessment framework. What OFSTED said Highly effective assessments of pupils’ learning and progress is the cornerstone for outstanding teaching and learning. Baseline assessments and continuous measures and checks on learning enable teachers to plan with precision pupils’ next steps, securing a fast pace of learning.

The CSD Summative Record John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment The CSD Summative Record 5. COPY PLI INTO CDS SUMMATIVE RECORD 6. ENTER BASELINE ASSESSMENT 7. EMBED PLI INTO MEDIUM TERM PLANS – decide on the themes, experiences, activities, etc that will provide the learning opportunities – Teacher Led 8. RECORD OBSERVATIONS RELATED TO THE PLI’S - Formative assessment 9. TRANSLATE THESE OBSERVATIONS ONTO THE CDS – Summative (end of every ½ or Termly 10 . PRODUCE DATA

John F Kennedy Curriculum and Assessment The Continuum of Skill Development (CSD) provides a matrix to assess the emergence and gradual development of new skills 5. N.B. Throughout this document the word ‘skill’ is used to cover any demonstration of skill, knowledge, understanding or attitude.   The Continuum of Skill Development (CSD) assesses the development of four aspects of skill on a four-point scale. The four aspects of the CSD are: prompting, fluency, maintenance and generalisation. There are four descriptors for each aspect which represent progress from emergent behaviours to competence. A numerical rating scale facilitates analysis, comparisons and graphic representations of summative data. On the rating scale emboldened numbers (1, 4, 7, and 10) refer to the descriptor which is placed above them. A number immediately to the left of a bold number indicates that the descriptor partly fits the learner’s behaviour but is not yet fully achieved. A number immediately to the right of a bold number indicates that the learner has progressed beyond this point but has not yet begun to achieve at the next level. HANDOUT – Definition of Terms