“Liberty is not an end, it is a means. As a means


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Presentation transcript:

Explain how the quotes support the ideas of totalitarianism and fascism “Liberty is not an end, it is a means. As a means it needs to be controlled and dominated. Here we come to the question of force.” “The one means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force.” Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler

Fascism in Italy Post war Unrest Benito Mussolini Appeal of Fascism Serious political and economic problems after WWI Unrest among workers Benito Mussolini Strong Nationalist After WWI organized war veterans- Fascist Party Set out to bind Italians together Appeal of Fascism Veterans of WWI – wanted redemption from WWI Nationalists – loved idea of glory of Roman Empire Middle and upper class – feared socialism/communism …didn’t want to lose status (triangles)

Italy as a Fascist State Mussolini Takes Over Black Shirts- combat squads attacked “enemies of the state” “March on Rome” – fake threat of “communist take over” Italian King made him Prime Minister IL Duce – “the leader” Italy as a Fascist State Outlawed all Opposition “Mussolini is always right” Schools – Young Italy- “Believe, Obey, Fight!” Aggressive Foreign Policy

Biography video Notes Create the following outline: Background/Childhood: Personality Traits: Details on his rise to power:

Mussolini and bodies of other Fascist leaders hung by meat hooks while angry crowds kicked, spat and threw rocks.