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Il Duce and Italian Fascism

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1 Il Duce and Italian Fascism
Mussolini’s Rule Il Duce and Italian Fascism

2 Benito Mussolini or Il Duce
Mussolini was the leader and Founder of the Italian Fascism, Fascisti, party.

3 Fasces Fasces is a symbol originally used in ancient Rome to represent the power of the empire. Mussolini used it for his political uses for two reasons: to go backwards to the glorious time of the Roman empire and to conjure fear of the the leader. (left) (right)

4 Reasons for Supporting Fascism
The Italian people were upset over the results of WW I Veterans could not find jobs High taxes Workers were on strike

5 Blackshirts The fascist party grew at an incredible rate by drawing on ex-servicemen middle class youth and anti-communists. To give its members importance they gave them a uniform and the name Blackshirts.

6 Mussolini’s Promises Strengthen Italy Outlaw rebellion Gain more land
Stamp out Communism Restore Italy’s former glory

7 Fascisti and Italian Parliament
The Fascist Party, in 1922, marched on Rome and by doing this placed Mussolini as leader of the government. In 1928 Mussolini eliminated all parts of parliamentary democracy from the Italian Government.

8 OVRA . In 1927 Mussolini established the OVRA or secret police. The secret police are, as for any Fascist rule, important to maintain order because they are used to instill fear in the populace.

9 Abyssinia (Ethiopia) In 1935 when Mussolini’s army invaded Abyssinia the Abyssinians stood no chance against a the modern Italian army.

10 Anti-Comintern Pact In 1937 Italy joined the anti-comintern pact with Germany and Japan in which they agreed to, in the event of an un-provoked attacked consult on what measures to take. This agreement is just one of a long list of pacts and treaties that Hitler would eventually break.

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