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Totalitarian Government: Rise of dictators

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1 Totalitarian Government: Rise of dictators
Ms. Ha Ch. 16 sec. 1 Pages:

2 I. Joseph Stalin (Russia)
A. First Dictator 1. Name: meant “man of steel” 2. Took control in 1924 3. Goal: “model communist state”

3 4. Economic goals: a. Agriculture b. Industrial 5. NO private ownership of farms 6. Collectives: large government owned farms

4 7. “Five-Year Plan” turn Russia into great power 8. By 1937: Russia #2 power, only U.S. was ahead

5 9. Stalin did it at a terrible cost 10. If Stalin thought you
were a threat, you were eliminated

6 11. Murder estimates: a. Between: 8-13 million people b. Millions more by famine (hunger)

7 B. Totalitarian Government 1. Complete control over citizens 2. No rights 3. All opposition: suppressed

8 II. Benito Mussolini (Italy)
A. Second Dictator 1. Fascist Party 2. Fascism: stressed nationalism

9 3. Interests of state above all else 4. Single strong leader with small party

10 5. October 1922, marched on Rome 6. “Black Shirts”: supporters in uniform

11 7. Many sided with Mussolini 8. Italian King: appointed him head of government

12 9. “The leader”: Il Duce 10. He crushed all opposition.

13 III. Adolf Hitler A. Third Dictator 1. Der Fuhrer-the Leader
2. Nazi Party 3. Powerful speaker & organizer

14 Hitler: Practicing Speeches/Moves

15 B. Main concepts: Nazi Party
1. Plan of Action a. Book: Mein Kampf (my struggle) b. Basic Nazi beliefs

16 2. Racial “purification”:
extreme Racism a. “Aryans”: blond hair & blue eyes b. “Master Race” c. Get rid of all nonwhites

17 3. National expansion: a. Desire for space b. Even fight for it

18 Why did Nazis gain power?
1. Great Depression a. War debts b. Unemployment 2. 6 million unemployed

19 Joined Storm Troopers: a. Brown Shirts b. Hitler’s private army

20 4. Many hoped for any kind of change 5. Hitler was change

21 6. By 1932: Nazis the political party 7. By 1933: Hitler appointed chancellor (prime minister)

22 8. Immediately got rid of democratic Weimar Republic 9. Replaced with Third Reich or Third German Empire

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