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Fascism and Totalitarianism

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Presentation on theme: "Fascism and Totalitarianism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fascism and Totalitarianism

2 TOTALitarianism Key Idea: single party dictatorship that CONTROLS EVERY ASPECT of the lives of its people. No individual rights Must obey government without question Supported extreme nationalism Control of all means of communication- censorship Police spies and state terrorism

3 Fascism (“fasces”) Word comes from the Latin word ‘fasces’ meaning a bundle of rods tied around an ax handle. This emblem existed during the Roman Empire and had symbolized unity and authority. Mussolini Coined the term Fascism

4 Fascism - Key Ideas A political philosophy that calls for the glorification of the nation above the individual, a centralized government headed by a dictatorial leader It condemns democracy because political parties destroy the unity of the state. It is a Totalitarian Government that is NOT Communist.

5 Hitler Youth Video – Left Side
As you watch the video record 6-10 facts in bullet point form: After the video, answer the following questions: What did you find most interesting/disturbing in the video? Why were young people drawn to the Hitler Youth? How was the Hitler Youth used to keep “order” in Germany? Why were young people targeted?

6 Explain how the quotes support the ideas of totalitarianism and fascism
“Liberty is not an end, it is a means. As a means it needs to be controlled and dominated. Here we come to the question of force.” “The one means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force.” Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler

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