Quick Write In your writing section, answer: What is persuasion?


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Presentation transcript:

Quick Write In your writing section, answer: What is persuasion? What are some tools or methods that people use to persuade others? How have you used persuasion in your life?

In what way is persuasive speaking different than persuasive writing? P. 4 Things in common Presenting

Persuasive Speeches P. 4 Writing Presenting Use meaningful word choice to convey point Focus on strong points/benefits Organize to build argument Include evidence to support argument Argue that it’s for the greater good Demonstrate your expertise Ask questions to engage their interest Relate to audience’s experience/interests Threaten/intimidate… Add humor End with lingering thought Slogan/catchy language Use analogies to compare Eye contact with audience Something interactive to engage Enthusiastic tone of voice/confidence Body language -- strong posture, don’t fidget Be relaxed, have fun

Persuasive Speeches P. 5 Writing Presenting Confident language Precise and meaningful words Support with facts/evidence Offer incentives Demonstrate why it’s a smart move Appeal to emotion Consider your audience -- relate to their interests/experiences Bash opposite side Stay strong on point - do not waver Energy/enthusiasm Body language -- confident stance, gesture to convey enthusiasm Persuasive tone -- emphasis, volume Visual aids Stay on the point -- be clear

Quick Write How would you define tone (in writing or in speech)? List as many possible “tone” descriptions as you can think of * should be one-word answers (serious, polite, rude, excited…) then… share tone words ‘round room, hand out and go over Tone sheet (P2P’s)

Tone “I love your sweater.”

Steve Jobs’ Graduation Speech at Stanford, 2005 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFi4zNJ7AxQ&t=11m17s While watching, consider: What is the subject of the speech? What is his tone? What methods does he use to persuade his audience? Then answer Q’s, discuss with a partner and as a class, add to chart.