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I tried to save the world this year but no one would listen!

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Presentation on theme: "I tried to save the world this year but no one would listen!"— Presentation transcript:

1 I tried to save the world this year but no one would listen!
(the condensed version) By Shari Graydon Salute you for showing up and demonstrating your commitment to wanting to save the world in the first place. Close your eyes, pay attention to what image comes to you when I share this quote by British poet, Robert Browning: Man’s reach must exceed his grasp, or what’s heaven for.

2 … why it’s harder for women to be heard… Centuries of language and imagery that excludes us from reaching, acting, saving the world, despite the fact that without women, life on this planet would have ceased long ago!

3 Present authoritatively Craft compelling messages Build profile strategically
Usually full-day workshop - 90 minutes originally; now 45. When I asked Janet what I should focus on, she -- knowing how desperately the future of the world needs women’s voices to be heard, Said “do it all”. Foolishly I agreed! So the three areas I’m going to touch on Are how to present with authority, craft compelling

4 Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying.
Ralph Waldo Emerson UCLA research - speakers’ credibility influenced by superficials: Physical presentation 55 Vocal presentation 38 Content 7

5 APPEARANCE Professional Appropriate Confident

6 Project Physical Authority
Take up space Develop a strong hand shake Make eye contact Maintain a symmetrical stance Mimic leader’s body language Pick strategic position Model, experience physical authority: stand up to speak raise your hand open your arms initiate contact

7 VOICE Volume Speed Accent Vocabulary Vocal pitch, variety
Emotional tone, warmth

8 Project Verbal Confidence
Avoid up-talking Use lower register Avoid apologizing State vs. question, avoid tags Ask for what you want explicitly Maintain a sense of humour

9 CONTENT Accessible Relevant and useful Credible and supported

10 CMAP TOOL “Communications Map” Purpose - what you want to achieve
Audience - who you’re convincing Context - what else is at play Message - what you should say

11 Purpose Describe your desired outcome in a way that ensures you’ll know if and when you’ve achieved it “I want to persuade my colleagues that it’s in their best interests to vote for the motion.”

12 AUDIENCE What do they care most about?
Who do you want to influence? What do they care most about? Are they receptive or resistant? How can you demonstrate your awareness of their concerns?

13 AUDIENCE continued I will not waste your time
KEY SIGNALS TO SEND: I will not waste your time I know what you care about I know my subject

14 CONTEXT Physical circumstances Recent or current events
external factors that may influence your response Physical circumstances Recent or current events How can you build on or overcome these factors?

15 MESSAGE How can you engage? What compelling data?
How best to organize? What will best persuade?

16 Organizing for Impact Point, counterpoint Myth and fact
Point, reason, evidence, point Point, counterpoint Myth and fact Problem and solution Cause and effect

17 PERSUASION Start with what you agree on Appeal to their self-interest
Emphasize benefits Provide evidence Cite a respected expert

18 PERSUASION continued Talk about how people are affected
Provide a clear alternative Give the reasons first Make your “ask” explicit Use reason and emotion

19 Increase your profile Write Speak Serve

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