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Some tips for speaking in front of a group

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1 Some tips for speaking in front of a group
Giving Presentations Some tips for speaking in front of a group

2 How should you stand? Stand up straight Shoulders back Body relaxed
Head up Don’t slouch Don’t lean too much

3 What should you do with your hands?
Use them to emphasize words Keep them steady (don’t shake) Use them for pointing, gesturing Don’t keep them too still

4 How can you emphasize something?
Repeat it Use your hands Use your voice Say it loudly, slowly Don’t just underline on the PPT

5 What should you do when you feel nervous?
Breathe deeply Fix your posture Look at a friend in the audience Don’t speak too quickly Don’t look down

6 How should you keep eye contact with the group?
Look at individuals Look at the back of the room Don’t just look down Don’t just look at your PPT

7 How fast should you speak?
Speak slower than you think you should Say key words clearly Don’t lose all emotion in your voice Don’t speak too quickly

8 How should you show enthusiasm?
With your voice With your body With eye contact Don’t keep your voice flat Don’t keep your body stiff

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